the call of moonlight

Some times Kokoro liked that the dorms were single. It was harder for her late night screams of terror to wake anyone through the thick walls. But other tim
es, other times she hated it. If she were to sleep late, no one would notice until she was late, if at all.


When she almost fell out of bed was when kokoro awake. She slid out of bed still wrapped on her blanket, and looked out the window. It was dark out. ‘ so I didn’t sleep that long’ she thought ‘how much longer til class?’ she looked at the clock and froze, falling over. She grabbed a pillow from the bed, bringing along everything else on the bed, bit into it, and screamed
6:45 PM

----different POV---

I had to talk to my teachers! I ran to the window and jumped up to the balcony ledge looking around for another. I saw one and jumped. I noticed out of the corner of my eye two people practicing on the field. I saw that they were suchi-ru harmony-san and hisa yuuki-san. I smiled and continued on my way.

The next day

I lay my head on the ground and close my eyes. The remnants of my half eaten bento beside me on its white with black trim cloth even with momo and shiro (I ended up forgiving him after-well you don’t wanna know que evil grin) eating with me. I always made way too much food for some odd reason. I reached out with my left hand sighing in contentment when my fingers encircle cold pulsating steel. I smiles. I had received my zonpakuto last night. I had missed the passing out thing and received it from headmaster-sama. I turned my head and looked. I thought it was beautiful. With a rather unusual hand guard. Instead of the standard flatter shape, mine had a pure white lotus one. I brought it to my chest as I turned back to lay on my back and decided to take a nap.


I opened my eyes and sat up in a shock. I was no longer on the schools back lawn. I was now in a forest
“kokoro” a soft voice called “koookorrro” I stood up and followed the voice running faster and faster as the voice got closer. I burst through the trees and into a clearing. I looked around unable to find any sign of anyone else just a gaint lotus. Wait. Giant lotus?
“kokoro” the voice came from the flower “come here” I hesitantly walked up to it. “if you listen carefully, I shall tell you my name. would you like to know?” “yes!” I insisted nodded intensly before pausing. I was talking to a flower and the flower was talking back. What was wring with me?!
As if sensing my thoughts the blossom swelled larger I fell back in terror. Just when I thought it was going to swallow me with petals it shot up the petals collapsing down revealing a lithe woman, with the lotus as a skirt. She landed gracefully in front of me.
“my name,…is hana-tsukiakari” she whispered smiling playfully before poking my forehead causing me to fall back and into a swarm of petals

---end dream---

I awoke with a start. ‘whoa” I breathed looking down at my weapon, hana-tsukiakari. “flowering moonlight” I said liking the way it rolled from my tounge. I could picture the call words in my mind and my mouth itched to form them but I resisted. I stood up as the bell for class rang in the distance sighing as a looked at the bento. I grabbed it and haphazardly wrapped it as I ran. Maybe the others would like some. I have plenty after all

sorry it took so long. i've been working on this for a while and had to change it as others added plus i was drawing kokoro with hana and writing down every aspect of hanas abilities and changes and her call lol. anyways hope you like it.
