lets be friends

Kokoro felt bad for the girl. People were talking about her, and she had seen Byakuya-taicho-sama before in action against shiro. She wanted nothing more than to go up and give the girl a hug. Which she did. To say she surprised her was an understatement.
“sorry” I chuckled nerviously scratching my head. “it seemed like you needed one. I know I don’t wanna mess with him. I’ve seen how taichos can be.” I pulled my ear biting my lip “sorry. I hope you don’t mind.” I realized I hadn’t given the proper greeting and freaked out. “oh! I’m Kokoro! Kokoro Tokushi!” I said bowing franticlly. “and your…” I tried to remember “…Toma Kuchiki-san right? Nice to meet you!” I smiled “I hope we can be great friends!” ugh. Too cheerful. I was even hurting my own head. I had to be bothering her. But that’s what I get for staying up all with no sleep for the past two nights to practice. I could still hear people talking about her behind me. It was probably the same people who were talking about Kikyo-san, no sense in loyalty amongst fellow school mates. I really hoped they were going to be in the opposite team. I didn’t wanna get in trouble for kicking them in the face with the ball if they were on my team, though I could blame it on my faulty kicking. I thought grinning. I smiled at Toma-san once more before turning and starting to walk away. I paused when I noticed she wasn’t following, I frowned for a sec before smiling looking over my shoulder.
“I don’t really wanna be captain’ I called to her, hoping she would get the hint and come with me “I don’t wanna let everyone on my team down. What about you?” she didn’t answer me, but she did walk over to me. I grinned, taking her hand, hoping I wasn’t being a nuisance, “‘come on! I wanna introduce you to the others. Their all really nice and won’t bother you a bit. Hopefully” I paused “but if they do just tell me and I’ll bash their heads in for you!” I laughed letting go of her hand to punch my my other hand “though I doubt I will” i laughed continuing to walk. i looked over at her. "i really do hope we can be friends" i smiled. for some reason i was drawn to this petite girl and felt that i just had to befriend her. i juct couldnt explain t. i shook it of smiling as we continued, in search of my, and hopefully her soon-to-be, friends

i hope this is alright toma-san. ^_^ i didnt know if you wanted to be captian or not so i had you not answer. ^_^

and my latest kokoro-chan pic sorry i keep adding them i hope no one minds, i just keep drawing them lol. i suck with areal views. but she's in uniform!...for once...though it looks more like a kimono...TT-TT lol. she's crying and i dont know why...maybe she walked into a door...anyways...here it is
