The Shogun Just Stayed Inside His Castle, and He Never Came Out

Thanks to some gentle prodding from Fasteriskhead, I have listened to Liquid Swords by GZA about three or four times tonight. Always been meaning to get more into hip-hop -- what better way to start than by listening to one of the classics? Great album. Don't know how anyone could listen to this and be like, "But rap isn't music at all!!!!!" I also need to find Enter the Wu-Tang Clan. Hmm.

Also, TV Tropes is consuming my soul. I have spent the better part of three days reading random stuff, and I have barely made a dent on the site -- for God's sake, I've just been sticking to the "Characters" section! I haven't gone anywhere else! It is going to take me forever to go through this whole site! I love exclamation points, those sexy, sexy punctuation marks!

Thank you, sir SomeGuy. Thank you very much. :)

(BTW -- my favorite trope so far is the Crowning Moment of Awesome. It is my goal to have at least one of these during my life.)

EDIT: Should probably also mention I have my brother and sister totally addicted to this now. >>;;;

EDIT2: I must have been really tired last night, because I linked to The Office PSA Announcements instead of Fasteriskhead's world. How the hell did that happen??

Oh well. You should all watch those PSAs -- they're hilarious.

"I accidentally saw The Fugitive again on cable this weekend. That is ... a really good movie. It's, like, really, really, really good."

She's a Killing Machine

Ever wonder how many days in your life you have wasted watching anime? Wonder no more!

Some people on the Anime Expo forums were linking to their anime watch list on this site, which then calculates the total time you have spent watching anime, and then puts it at the bottom of your profile where few people are likely to see your shameful secret.

Here is my list. Apparently I have spent 25.17 days total watching anime. That really puts things into perspective for me.


OK, it doesn't.

Go ahead and show off, everyone else. Dagger, Des -- I am sure you two have me beat pretty easily, haha. Anyone else? :P

In other new, I have been working my ass off to master finger tapping in Rock Band so that I can actually do well in the harder solos instead of flailing away like an idiot and barely surviving. Yesterday, I climbed the "Highway Star" mountain and can now get about 85 percent of that solo at full speed. Huzzah!

I'll have to do a few others before I can work up the courage to tackle "Green Grass and High Tides" ...

Trap Trap Trap

External Image


Chat was super duper fun last night, as various people have pointed out. I came out with a new nickname, and Sommael Guy, Esq. contributed the lovely limerick that now graces my introduction. Fun times, all around!

Also, I totally forgot to update The Third Revelation yesterday. Oops. I was busy a lot of the time yesterday, and by the time I remembered, it was late enough for me to push the post forward to today.

I'll be writing about Paths of Glory -- obviously I believe everyone should see it, but you should make an especially strong effort to see this because it is legit one of the greatest antiwar movies ever (if not the greatest). Succinct, powerful and friggin' heart-wrenching to watch.

Anyway, I am off to write.

Lifestyles of the ... Something and ... Someone

This post inspired by timechaser unveiling his quite large anime collection. It has been at least a couple of years since I did a "hay guyz check o...

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My Tribute to Nanami

Both inspired by episode 16 of Revolutionary Girl Utena. They both use the same picture and have nearly identical similar captions, but I can totally do that shit because Utena does it, too, so there.

Needs moar cowbell


Special thanks to Des for backing me up with the font choice. You are a golden god, sir.