Index of Movie Posts -- from Sept. 2008 to present!
IT'S A SOMY -- the blog for those who love dumb fake products in their anime
Index of Movie Posts -- from Sept. 2008 to present!
IT'S A SOMY -- the blog for those who love dumb fake products in their anime
This is the first week my beard has run into opposition -- my mom has suddenly become quite outspoken against it, and when we went to my aunt's house for a Fourth of July celebration, she also said she didn't like it.
My ever-growing beard will not allow such insults to break its will, however. It will continue to grow, and grow well. Although, as Anna noted might happen in last week's update, both beard and face have clashed, and the result has been itchiness. Not a lot of it, mind -- certainly not enough for a hulking he-man such as myself to be bothered with -- but it is there. I thought you would all like to know.
I am also pleased to note that even though my beard is still in the growing pains stage of its life, it was nowhere near the ugliest beard at the Anime Expo. This is a tremendous victory for my beard and a great boost to its self-esteem. I couldn't be prouder for the little guy.
Anyway! This week's pictures:
A view from the front
A view from the left side (with a special guest appearance by my Haruhi Suzumiya wall scroll)
A view from the right side
Another week, another few steps toward greatness for my friend the beard. Hooray!
EDIT: This is pretty damn funny -- Excerpts from Michael Bay's rejected script for The Dark Knight.
I will issue an official (read: horribly embellished) AX report in a couple of days (you know, after I recover from walking around for about 13 hours straight). However, I will say this: There were lots and lots of Phoenix Wright cosplayers. This pleases me greatly. I got pictures of most of them, although I missed Phoenix Wright (only saw one, and he was always running around places), Detective Gumshoe (was helping a bunch of people take a picture when he appeared, and I couldn't find him afterward :(), and Adrian Andrews (was pretty tired when she showed up, so I just sat back while she walked by me).
EDIT: I also saw Apollo Justice, but that was pretty much the same deal as Adrian Andrews. Also saw Klavier Gavin TWICE -- the first time he was weaving in and out of the crowd, so I couldn't catch up, and the second time he was talking on his cell phone, so I let him go by because it would have been pretty rude to stop the guy while he's talking to someone lol.
Surprisingly, I did not see a single Edgeworth -- the guy is pretty much the most popular character in the series aside from Phoenix (and he actually might be MORE popular than Phoenix), so that is strange. Oh well.
I had lots of fun, even with the insane amount of walking I did. The LA Convention Center was a much better location for AX than Long Beach. I didn't go outside too much, so I can't say much about the surrounding area, but I didn't think it was too bad.
And here's the stuff I bought:
Wall scroll of Haruhi's movie poster
Peacemaker boxset
Death Note shirt
Tanooki Mario shirt
Good times. First post to come after tomorrow's Beardwatch update. :P
I could watch Magic Johnson highlight videos all day. For all the great passes and amazing shots he makes, though, the best part is seeing Magic with an afro. Hahaha. He should have kept that his whole career -- imagine that bobbing around everywhere while Magic pounds down the court and makes a no-look pass? I'd never get tired of that.
Been playing more Smash Bros. Brawl lately (friend code is 4983-4584-1619 for anyone who wants to add me). I've become much better with Zelda -- she might be my best character now. Of course, my brother has been playing the game for months straight now, so he can still beat the everloving fuck out of me with Lucas. Argh. I've improved with Ike, as well, although I can still get better.
My biggest problem right now is that I'm still a bit too aggressive. What can I say -- I like getting in there and beating the shit out of people, haha. I also play way too close to the edge, which often leads to me randomly falling to my doom. Super frustrating.
Also, AX starts today, although I won't be going until Saturday. Exciting stuff! Might swing by theO meet-up when I go; still haven't decided yet. I guess it all depends on how much progress I've made through the exhibit hall, haha. As always, I have no real plans except for three things:
1) Robot Chicken panel
2) Buy shit
3) Take lots of pictures!
Meticulous plans aren't my style. It's more fun this way. :)
Here we are in the second week of the Beardwatch! Things are going OK over here. The ol' beard is growing in just fine, although it is looking predictably patchy at the moment. Still, it's pretty funny how much people have either a) Not noticed that I am growing a beard or b) Are probably pretending I am not growing a beard.
My family has gone with the latter option, I think. I expected to get a ton of comments from my dad, especially, since he is always cracking jokes about my chin hair. But I've heard nothing so far. Very bizarre. We'll see what happens when I'm done, though!
Predictions for what I will look like at the end ... I am thinking either Ryan from The Office or Baron Davis. At this point, I am not sure which I prefer.
Here are this week's pictures:
Me from the front
From the right side
From the left side
The journey continues this week. Here's hoping for some more progress -- maybe I'll have a halfway decent beard when I go to the Anime Expo Saturday!