It was just a popular song, long ago.

Not that she ever reads this, but my sister is celebrating her 21st birthday today (not by getting totally bombed, though :p), and my boss was kind enough to grant me a vacation day on relatively short notice (I asked on Friday). The day shall be ...

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SDF Macross -- Wonderful Culture

It’s the year 2009 -- 10 years prior, an alien spacecraft landed on Earth, and following a war to unify the planet, the U.N. worked to restore the ...

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A somewhat rare memetic appearance.

My search for more soccer is going pretty well. Plenty of options for people with DirecTV! Think I'll wait and watch a bunch of games before diving in with a Premier League team, though ... there's only so much you can get from reading up on 'em a...

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Where's my dog! Where's my Pooh Bear!

Ah, I'm gonna miss the World Cup. I'm looking into following some worldwide soccer leagues, but there's a lot out there ... kind of confusing, haha. I'll have to rely on my soccer-loving friends for help. :O ...

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Anime Seasonal Rankings + Kyle Hebert

Before I get to the real point of this post, I want to share this short interview with Kyle Hebert on Anime Diet. I met the Anime Diet dudes...

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