Haha, nope. Eyebrow!scar I got from running into a windowsill (I was a dumb kid), and the scar I got on the back of my head was from falling off a tire swing and hitting a thick tree root ( ... I was a dumb kid).
Last edited by Shinmaru at 10:57:04 PM CDT on July 14, 2010.
I laugh whenever I type in a lol or a XD during conversation and never understood people who did so just to type it. =/
Your first two are funny, because the first movie I remember seeing in theatres is The Lion King and my brothers and I were quite able to also act it out for a time. I was the only one able to recite Beauty and the Beast though. :D
6. I've listened to "Days" (from Eureka Seven) maybe twice since I memorized the song for Anime Expo last year (even though I never ended up singing it :(), and yet I still have it memorized. Even the Japanese rap. I can't pronounce it, but I know it.
You know what's sad? I totally watch DragonBall Z Kai myself, and had a brief point where, if I missed when the episode was first shown (7pm), I would kind of tweak out, just a little. Then I remembered the whole "they re-air the show later" thing.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/15/10 | Reply
I seriously need to get myself over to America one day to bask in your awesomeness :3
Baron of Terribad (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/14/10 | Reply
@Pleiades Rising:
Haha, nope. Eyebrow!scar I got from running into a windowsill (I was a dumb kid), and the scar I got on the back of my head was from falling off a tire swing and hitting a thick tree root ( ... I was a dumb kid).
Last edited by Shinmaru at 10:57:04 PM CDT on July 14, 2010.
Love thy Evangelion.
Pleiades Rising
Otaku Idol (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/14/10 | Reply
No.15 kind of sounds like you got shot with a rail gun. By some chance did you fight titanic wars of the shoulder of Orion?
Also, I really would like to finally meet someone on this site (as you've noted on no.19). I missed seeing Kastom by this much. Someday, someday.
Hits Self With Axe (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/14/10 | Reply
I laugh whenever I type in a lol or a XD during conversation and never understood people who did so just to type it. =/
Your first two are funny, because the first movie I remember seeing in theatres is The Lion King and my brothers and I were quite able to also act it out for a time. I was the only one able to recite Beauty and the Beast though. :D
Be true, be you and of course, be otaku.
Madman With a Box (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/14/10 | Reply
4. I absolutely need to have music playing while I'm driving. If the car is silent, then the mood is weird and creepy and I get nervous on the road.
Oh yeah, me too. Not as easy when driving around with family though, unless I keep the speakers down low. -3-
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/14/10 | Reply
6. I've listened to "Days" (from Eureka Seven) maybe twice since I memorized the song for Anime Expo last year (even though I never ended up singing it :(), and yet I still have it memorized. Even the Japanese rap. I can't pronounce it, but I know it.
We need to go to karaoke. DDDD;
Goggalor (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/14/10 | Reply
You know what's sad? I totally watch DragonBall Z Kai myself, and had a brief point where, if I missed when the episode was first shown (7pm), I would kind of tweak out, just a little. Then I remembered the whole "they re-air the show later" thing.
"In Kat's wor we trust."
Baron of Terribad (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/14/10 | Reply
You know what's sad? I didn't remember what No. 8 was; I had to go back to the post to refresh my memory.
Love thy Evangelion.
Firestarter (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/14/10 | Reply
yay for learning stuff about Lemons. I am also afraid of heights but haveno problem with planes, I even stare out the window. I'm a little weird.