Can you feel that hybrid rainbow?

So, damn, that Pillows concert was faaaaaaaaantastic -- everything I hoped it could be and more! My sister and I left about an hour before the concert (my brother couldn't go, unfortunately, because he developed a bad headache during the co...

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Ben x Rousseau OTP?

I'm back! Woo! And since I'll be at the pillows concert Sunday evening, I'll be writing another live reactions post for the series finale. Yay! -- wtf does Jack have some kind of leech on his neck. -- OMG CLAIRE IS THE MOTHER --...

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He'll have you wrestling midgets in border towns for 10 percent of the net.

I've been exercising more lately because I'm out-of-shape and, uh, want to be healthy, and damn am I ever sore today. I guess it will take a bit of time for my lazy ass to get used to this. :p ...

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I vote for outer space. No way these are local boys.

So, the latest Fullmetal Alchemist chapter is kinda crazy awesome. SPREAD THE WORD. The Stepfather (1987): Wanted to watch this because of Terry O'Q...

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Alien Nine -- Kids Kill the Darnedest Things

Yuri Otani is a 12-year-old girl who is called to that most hallowed of anime duties -- fighting aliens. She is voted by h...

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