My Week in Anime #24

I would have put this up much earlier, but I had Internet issues earlier today (so I couldn't grab K-On! and Higashi no Eden until later in the day), and I got caught up in a movie while all that sorted itself out, so I just fini...

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Miles x Hurley OTP

Lost, I love you for following up a Ben episode with a Miles episode. I am ready for awesome!! -- Young Miles is young. :O -- Oh snap, he sees something!! -- Miles hears dead people. *shot* -- Miles is in The Circ...

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I suck at watching Jimmy Stewart movies.

Well, not all of them. Just It's a Wonderful Life, apparently. Somehow I managed to not see it again, and I couldn't renew it, so back the movie went to the library. I blame TV Tropes. (No, seriously. I spent hours upon hours sit...

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My Week in Anime #23

Spoiler: Higashi no Eden is fantastic. If you haven't watched the first episode yet, stop wasting time here and watch it. Now. Anime discussed: 07-Ghost, Axis Powers Hetalia, Basquash!, Fullmetal Alch...

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Lost Lost Lost Lost Lost

How do you make up for showing a Kate episode? You make the next one all about Ben. Thanks, writers! -- "Jacob wanted it done." Richard and his magic words. -- also owned lol -- Now Ben is welcome as an Other. It might be cute i...

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