My Week in Anime #13

This week's is going to be a monster of a post. I can feel it. (After writing this, I think I'm going to start jotting down thoughts after I watch individual episodes throughout the week, because this took way too long to write.) A...

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Lost Ravings II

I meant to post this last night, but I was so distracted after Lost that I didn't have much time to assemble the ol' notes. But here they are now! Yay! --- -- Read The Lost Diary. Good ...

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Fan Challenge Letter

Dear Comrade, You haven't been to any meetings lately, and you haven't been in touch. What's been going on? We are quite lonely without you around. You always were a difficult member of the group. I remember when I approached you bef...

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Booooooooooooooooooo, bad headache is bad. Go away! anyway movies lol Lolita (1962): I tempered my expectations going into this because so much of what makes ...

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My Week in Anime #12

Good lord, I wrote a friggin' novel this week, so I won't waste much time with a needless introduction. EDIT: I totally forgot about Hyakko, haha. Very quick, basic thoughts are edited in now. Anime discussed: A...

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