Yeah leaving uni or college feels weird... I'm gonna miss it so much. I'm staying in the same town but still, people will leave, so yeah keeping in touch is important *nods*. Good luck with everything you do ^_^ And you make a good point - I hope anyone who reads your post thinks 'yeah, i'll go join xyz club, always been interested in that'.
That's cool. Yeah, working to put out something like that is so difficult (I've had several near meltdowns this year trying to reconcile work on the paper with school and such), but it's totally worth it. Life without the paper would be less stressful (work-wise, anyway); however, it would also be nowhere near as fun.
Does your magazine have a Web site? I'd like to see it!
You know that is one thing I am scared when I finish next year.
I also have been engage on a monthly magazine - although my job involves more in the design of the magazine and interviews rather than interviews - it's been incredibly busy and hard sometimes but it is also have been quite rewarding. Not because people at school actually pay attention to the person who works on that magazine they usually read in lunch breaks or the bosses at school actually doing some tribute to you but because I always have fun doing it and meet so many different people and I also am putting in work what I've learned/learning at school so I'm more prepared than many others , hehe.
But yeah, I do relate with you somehow. Just by thinking it's so bizarre, so I imagine what it would be to actually be finishing college right now!
Congratulations and best of luck on the days to come!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/10/08 | Reply
Not yet, we only started for real this year so it's still fresh but whenever we get it online I'll let you know. =)
The crazy bubbly shadow
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/10/08 | Reply
Yeah leaving uni or college feels weird... I'm gonna miss it so much. I'm staying in the same town but still, people will leave, so yeah keeping in touch is important *nods*. Good luck with everything you do ^_^ And you make a good point - I hope anyone who reads your post thinks 'yeah, i'll go join xyz club, always been interested in that'.
Baron of Terribad (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/10/08 | Reply
That's cool. Yeah, working to put out something like that is so difficult (I've had several near meltdowns this year trying to reconcile work on the paper with school and such), but it's totally worth it. Life without the paper would be less stressful (work-wise, anyway); however, it would also be nowhere near as fun.
Does your magazine have a Web site? I'd like to see it!
Love thy Evangelion.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/10/08 | Reply
You know that is one thing I am scared when I finish next year.
I also have been engage on a monthly magazine - although my job involves more in the design of the magazine and interviews rather than interviews - it's been incredibly busy and hard sometimes but it is also have been quite rewarding. Not because people at school actually pay attention to the person who works on that magazine they usually read in lunch breaks or the bosses at school actually doing some tribute to you but because I always have fun doing it and meet so many different people and I also am putting in work what I've learned/learning at school so I'm more prepared than many others , hehe.
But yeah, I do relate with you somehow. Just by thinking it's so bizarre, so I imagine what it would be to actually be finishing college right now!
Congratulations and best of luck on the days to come!
The crazy bubbly shadow