I don't have too much of a problem with making it weekly, but I can't count on the library to ship the DVDs to me in time (they neverever have the ones I want). I really like having the DVD, instead of a copy of the film. In any event, if I get enough forward notice as to which one is picked, I should be able to make it.
Agh, of all the random lists, it had to be one full of good choices. I've not seen The Producers (Zero Mostel and Gene Wilder directed by Mel Brooks!), so that'd get my vote, but so would One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest and the wonderfully bizarre 2001. Still, I'm cuckoo for Nicholson, so that's my choice.
Lastly, it was a good night! I regret I didn't make a special Dr. Strangelove avatar for the night. (On a related side note, I spent most of the night watching all the special features. Mr. Sellers was a rare talent, indeed.)
Senile Hipster (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/09/10 | Reply
Not sure if I should vote, since that thing that got me this week might spring up again. Carry on, fair ladies and gents.
Pleiades Rising
Otaku Idol (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/08/10 | Reply
I don't have too much of a problem with making it weekly, but I can't count on the library to ship the DVDs to me in time (they neverever have the ones I want). I really like having the DVD, instead of a copy of the film. In any event, if I get enough forward notice as to which one is picked, I should be able to make it.
Agh, of all the random lists, it had to be one full of good choices. I've not seen The Producers (Zero Mostel and Gene Wilder directed by Mel Brooks!), so that'd get my vote, but so would One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest and the wonderfully bizarre 2001. Still, I'm cuckoo for Nicholson, so that's my choice.
Lastly, it was a good night! I regret I didn't make a special Dr. Strangelove avatar for the night. (On a related side note, I spent most of the night watching all the special features. Mr. Sellers was a rare talent, indeed.)