Man, it KILLED me to leave Young Frankenstein off my list. Love that movie so much. I considered making an honorable mentions addendum so that I could include movies like that and Amelie and Life of Brian and Heathers and so on, but I figured I should grow a pair and make a definite top ten. :P
Rear Window is great. Probably my third-favorite Hitchcock after Psycho and Vertigo. Pan's Labyrinth is wonderful; can't believe I went as long as I did without seeing it. Thank You for Smoking introduced me to the awesomeness of Aaron Eckhart. My siblings are obsessed with Little Miss Sunshine; I like it, but I wouldn't say it's a favorite or anything.
Batman was absolutely amazing. And no, I totally didn't think they would have the balls to kill Rachel like that. Leading up to that moment, I thought, "Oh, so Gordon won't get there in time to save Harvey and that's how he gets into the accident," but as soon as Bruce walks in and realizes that the Joker fooled him, it was kind of an "Ohhh of course" moment. The way they set Harvey up as a man who could do no wrong, just about the only thing that could drive him over the edge was Rachel dying. It was still a shock, though, and I was waiting for her to not actually be dead, because movies never do that. I agree with you on all points, though. The acting was just spectacular. And I love Bale's Bruce so much.
My favorite movies? Hmm. Well, I'm a big fan of Pixar and Miyazaki movies when I need to be happy. But my live-action favorites would probably run along the lines of Pan's Labyrinth, Thank You For Smoking, Little Miss Sunshine, Young Frankenstein, and (since you did Hitchcock as well) Rear Window. So my favorites are really all over the board.
Dagger IX1
Team | Posted 07/21/08 | Reply
You cheered when the movie reveals Richard Alpert is the mayor of Gotham.
Yes, yes I did. And is the eyeliner thing natural after all!? My dad and I were surprised to see him looking *exactly* the same.
Baron of Terribad (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/21/08 | Reply
Man, it KILLED me to leave Young Frankenstein off my list. Love that movie so much. I considered making an honorable mentions addendum so that I could include movies like that and Amelie and Life of Brian and Heathers and so on, but I figured I should grow a pair and make a definite top ten. :P
Rear Window is great. Probably my third-favorite Hitchcock after Psycho and Vertigo. Pan's Labyrinth is wonderful; can't believe I went as long as I did without seeing it. Thank You for Smoking introduced me to the awesomeness of Aaron Eckhart. My siblings are obsessed with Little Miss Sunshine; I like it, but I wouldn't say it's a favorite or anything.
Love thy Evangelion.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/21/08 | Reply
Batman was absolutely amazing. And no, I totally didn't think they would have the balls to kill Rachel like that. Leading up to that moment, I thought, "Oh, so Gordon won't get there in time to save Harvey and that's how he gets into the accident," but as soon as Bruce walks in and realizes that the Joker fooled him, it was kind of an "Ohhh of course" moment. The way they set Harvey up as a man who could do no wrong, just about the only thing that could drive him over the edge was Rachel dying. It was still a shock, though, and I was waiting for her to not actually be dead, because movies never do that. I agree with you on all points, though. The acting was just spectacular. And I love Bale's Bruce so much.
My favorite movies? Hmm. Well, I'm a big fan of Pixar and Miyazaki movies when I need to be happy. But my live-action favorites would probably run along the lines of Pan's Labyrinth, Thank You For Smoking, Little Miss Sunshine, Young Frankenstein, and (since you did Hitchcock as well) Rear Window. So my favorites are really all over the board.