The only problem with this is the save chat feature goes back only so far, and by the time I saved the chat, a lot of what started the whole thing was lost. But here is the story as far as I can recall.
I was in the chat, and Michi randomly shoved me into what she called "moe land." The chat went forward and I kept up with the joke, making moe land increasingly my own. Eventually, someone (I forget who exactly -- maybe jomz?) referred to me as the Lord of Moe.
Then the topic was only vaguely referred to until Alexa came into the chat and started talking with Molly about life goals. Randomly, I threw out that my position as Lord of Moe would see me through life. Then Ace asked what he would be, and Alexa said, "Lord of the Fails." The idea behind that was just so genius that the whole religious epic thing just exploded in my head. (Ace is not the Lord of the Fails in this story, BTW. He is not the Enemy of Moe.)
After that, late at night, I decided I had to write the first chapter of this story no matter what. It was pretty great being in there and throwing out random questions like, "Who should be the Adam and Eve of the Land of Moe?" "What is the lowest Internet meme ever?" and "What should be their theme song?" (BTW, I have to say the choice of Kamina as Adam and Mikuru as Eve is pretty brilliant. I don't know whether Ace consciously chose them or just pulled them out of his ass, but either way -- bravo, Ace.)
It really was a collaborative effort. I did the writing, but a ton of the ideas came from Ace and Des. Maybe more than came from me, haha. They are as much the Shepherds of Moe as I am.
Firestarter (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/13/08 | Reply
You're a nut. I like it
Senile Hipster (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/12/08 | Reply
I choose the second one. That sunglasses bit was sheer unhindered brilliance, by the way.
Otaku Archangel | Posted 09/12/08 | Reply
I think that just made my brain explode. From my lolwut!?! reaction to it. Seriously. ._.
Baron of Terribad (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/12/08 | Reply
@Dagger IX1:
The only problem with this is the save chat feature goes back only so far, and by the time I saved the chat, a lot of what started the whole thing was lost. But here is the story as far as I can recall.
I was in the chat, and Michi randomly shoved me into what she called "moe land." The chat went forward and I kept up with the joke, making moe land increasingly my own. Eventually, someone (I forget who exactly -- maybe jomz?) referred to me as the Lord of Moe.
Then the topic was only vaguely referred to until Alexa came into the chat and started talking with Molly about life goals. Randomly, I threw out that my position as Lord of Moe would see me through life. Then Ace asked what he would be, and Alexa said, "Lord of the Fails." The idea behind that was just so genius that the whole religious epic thing just exploded in my head. (Ace is not the Lord of the Fails in this story, BTW. He is not the Enemy of Moe.)
After that, late at night, I decided I had to write the first chapter of this story no matter what. It was pretty great being in there and throwing out random questions like, "Who should be the Adam and Eve of the Land of Moe?" "What is the lowest Internet meme ever?" and "What should be their theme song?" (BTW, I have to say the choice of Kamina as Adam and Mikuru as Eve is pretty brilliant. I don't know whether Ace consciously chose them or just pulled them out of his ass, but either way -- bravo, Ace.)
It really was a collaborative effort. I did the writing, but a ton of the ideas came from Ace and Des. Maybe more than came from me, haha. They are as much the Shepherds of Moe as I am.
Love thy Evangelion.
Madman With a Box (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/12/08 | Reply
Larry, Curly, and Moe? *shot*
Hits Self With Axe (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/12/08 | Reply
*rendered into a state of bemused speechlessness*
Be true, be you and of course, be otaku.
Dagger IX1
Team | Posted 09/12/08 | Reply
Hahaha, clearly I need to see this chatlog.