... Now I am torn. Sun continuing being evil and potentially getting vengeance against Kate and Jack vs. a wonderfully tearful reunion between her and Jin. I don't think we can have it both ways (unfortunately for me), so I think the latter option is more likely, since the writers probably have about 5,000 more Jack and Kate episodes they want to do before the end.
EDIT: On second thought, what has me torn even more now is that if Sun wreaks vengeance upon Jack and Kate, then Ben is likely to be included in that, since, you know, Sun kind of really wants to kill him too. Man. I'd be willing to sacrifice just about anyone to see Kate bite the big one, but Ben isn't one of those people. Consider me firmly in the redemption camp now.
EDIT2: Now I keep going back and forth on whether Sun actually wants to kill Kate or is just using Kate's natural idiocy to get closer to Ben so that she can kill him. I don't think she's exactly fond of Kate and Jack right now, but I am certain Ben really is her primary target. It's probably just my vicious hatred of Kate that wants Sun to despise her enough to kill.
My siblings and I were rolling during the canoe race. The high point for me is either Locke's closeup during a bit that might not have been green screened but looked unbelievably fake regardless, or the bullet through Sawyer's paddle.
Last edited by Shinmaru at 12:35:25 PM EST on February 5, 2009.
I am sooo torn about Sun right now! On the one hand I relish her descent into Ben and Widmore-territory evil, yet on the other hand I really really hope she stops when she can still be redeemed, if it means she'll get reunited with Jin. Although considering what a hard-on the writers have for separated couples, I think they've got a rather good chance of getting back together safely; we've already been through the whole death thing with one of them, and since Des and Penny already had their reunion...
On a personal level, the canoe race might be the single most unintentionally hilarious Lost moment ever.
Last edited by Dagger IX1 at 7:43:40 AM EST on February 5, 2009.
Grand Otaku | Posted 02/05/09 | Reply
Sawyer needs to get over Kate like NOW. It's ruining his character. O_O
And boy does Juliet know how to handle that man or what? XP
Sayid's continued badassery is sweeeeet. XD
Baron of Terribad (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/05/09 | Reply
@Dagger IX1:
... Now I am torn. Sun continuing being evil and potentially getting vengeance against Kate and Jack vs. a wonderfully tearful reunion between her and Jin. I don't think we can have it both ways (unfortunately for me), so I think the latter option is more likely, since the writers probably have about 5,000 more Jack and Kate episodes they want to do before the end.
EDIT: On second thought, what has me torn even more now is that if Sun wreaks vengeance upon Jack and Kate, then Ben is likely to be included in that, since, you know, Sun kind of really wants to kill him too. Man. I'd be willing to sacrifice just about anyone to see Kate bite the big one, but Ben isn't one of those people. Consider me firmly in the redemption camp now.
EDIT2: Now I keep going back and forth on whether Sun actually wants to kill Kate or is just using Kate's natural idiocy to get closer to Ben so that she can kill him. I don't think she's exactly fond of Kate and Jack right now, but I am certain Ben really is her primary target. It's probably just my vicious hatred of Kate that wants Sun to despise her enough to kill.
My siblings and I were rolling during the canoe race. The high point for me is either Locke's closeup during a bit that might not have been green screened but looked unbelievably fake regardless, or the bullet through Sawyer's paddle.
Last edited by Shinmaru at 12:35:25 PM EST on February 5, 2009.
Love thy Evangelion.
roxas b
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/05/09 | Reply
i want to see the show
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/05/09 | Reply
Dagger IX1
Team | Posted 02/05/09 | Reply
Ahaha, Ben was great as usual tonight.
I am sooo torn about Sun right now! On the one hand I relish her descent into Ben and Widmore-territory evil, yet on the other hand I really really hope she stops when she can still be redeemed, if it means she'll get reunited with Jin. Although considering what a hard-on the writers have for separated couples, I think they've got a rather good chance of getting back together safely; we've already been through the whole death thing with one of them, and since Des and Penny already had their reunion...
On a personal level, the canoe race might be the single most unintentionally hilarious Lost moment ever.
Last edited by Dagger IX1 at 7:43:40 AM EST on February 5, 2009.
Baron of Terribad (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/05/09 | Reply
Yeah, it's kind of crazy to think about how much some of the characters have changed ... some for the better, and some for the worse.
Love thy Evangelion.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/05/09 | Reply
... dude. I was a big fan of the show for the first two seasons, but... it really has changed a lot over the years to say the least XD
(Which isn't to say it's gotten bad, but man, the characters are totally different!)
Last edited by NightBeck at 2:33:37 AM EST on February 5, 2009.