OK, good to get that fanboying out of my system, haha. That result (a Dodgers three-game sweep) was the last result I expected from this series, considering how good this Cubs team actually is (they are much better than they actually played, though that does not matter now, haha). Good to see the Dodgers shut the mouths of everyone who thought Chicago would walk all over them, though. Much like the Tampa Bay Rays -- which is a team I would be scared to death to face in a series, frankly -- the Dodgers are a team built for the pressure of the postseason: Great pitching, timely hitting and good defense. (Although you could have said the same thing about the Cubs before this series.)

Looking forward to the next round. Right now I am not sure who I would rather the Dodgers face -- the Phillies have Cole Hamels, who scares the hell out of me, but the Brewers have C.C. Sabathia, who also scares the hell out of me. Hm. I think I want the Phillies to win today, because that would be most advantageous to the Dodgers in terms of resting time. They would get a decent amount of rest but not so much that they lose their edge. Philadelphia would be a hard team to beat, though, because it has become hot at just the right time (much like the Dodgers).

Anyway, enough baseball talk. I've been tagged twice for the survey, so I suppose I will finally fill it out right now.


-What's your full name?
First name is Michael. If you are a Facebook friend, you know the last name; if you're not, you don't. :P

-What's your favorite color(s)?
Red, black, orange and brown.

-What do you hate most?
People who take themselves too seriously. Life is more fun if you have a sense of humor about yourself.

-What do you love most?
People who love life.

-What are your favorite creatures?
Real creature: Cats. Fictional creatures: Godzilla.

-Do you watch cartoons?
Um, I post on a site dedicated to Japanese cartoons. What do you think? (Yes, they are cartoons. Get over it, people.)

-What's the dumbest thing you've ever done?
That would take this post far into tl;dr territory ...

-Wow, you're pretty stupid...
That's a shocker.

-Which one of your characters do you like most?
Lately I have liked Christine Berkshire the most. When I first imagined her, she was a generic, catty high schooler, but as I have thought about her and written about her more, she has become far more human. She is basically a good person who takes herself a bit too seriously at times and is turned off by just one thing in life (Eddie).

-Which one would you trash?
I would never trash any of my characters. The ones who aren't written as well are good reminders of where I started as a writer (and where everyone starts, really, haha).

-What would you do if someone stole your work?
Make sure everyone on the Internet knew that person was a dirty thief.

-What are your views on online dating?
Tried it once, and it did not work out, but at least I did not go through an ugly online break-up. I would not recommend it if you're really far away from whomever you're dating, but if you're reasonably close, then why not?

-What kind of people do you like?
Ones who are honest about who they are. (Beth's answer works well here.)

-Would you still be nice to a boring deviant or otakuian?
I am nice to everybody unless they give me a reason to not be nice.

-What would you do if someone flamed you?
Laugh it off. Internet flame wars are silly.

Character time (ohh, so hard a decision…..umm)


- 0____o What's your name?

-How old are you?

-Are you male or female?
All man, baby.

-If you had to chose just one place to live for the rest of your life, where would you live?
The arcade. Get up, play games all day and gorge myself on pizza -- that's the life.

-How creative do you think your human/creator is?
My parents aren't very creative at all.

-Could you describe your personality to us?
I am an adventurous, ass kicking, ladykilling machine. Isn't that obvious?

-Hmm...Interesting...tell me your life story, if you don't mind.
I was born to be awesome. Get the hell out of my way.

-Good or Evil?
Yeah ... I'm good. *wink wink*

-Oh yeah, who are you going to tag?
I don't want to tag anyone. If you want to do the survey, then go ahead and do it.
