Sakura-con 2009

Just a quick blurb on Sakura-con 2009. I'm sure a more proper one will be posted when we're not so tired.

Sakura-con 2009 was great for the Shinsengumi cosplayers. I think we had a group of about 18 strong including some Kenshin cosplayers who merged with our group. When you're in a crowd of like 18 cosplayers most with swords and all dressed as samurai, you don't move. I don't know how many photos were taken of us, but I wouldn't be surprised if over a hundred different people through the 3 hrs we did the Shinsengumi cosplay took our pics. Much, much fun as usual with the Shinsen crew. We did the usual march, more photos, etc. NOW the con was ridiculously fun. XD SomeGuy said it best I think, no matter how many other cosplays we have and stuff, the most fun is always the Shinsengumi group. When else can you goof off and act like a bunch of idiots pretending to be samurai, marching through a con and waving a giant red and white flag around?

Some things of note this year:
We had our first Suzu! We were so happy to see a Suzu cosplayer from the PMK manga! Also, while marching through the dealers' room, we got called back by the Japan Consulate booth for photos! lol. One of them was even dressed in full regalia and helmet armor, so she looked like she could have been a Shogun whom the Shinsengumi group were surrounding. Very cool.

Photos of Scon09 to follow.

Random Update

The Snow has finally (or almost) disappeared from the streets, even though its still cold spring is slowly creeping up on us--ever so slowly.

And in the spring, what can we look out for?
More rain...? Ah, Vancouver weather never lets us down, but that's not it!
Hanami...? Drinking under neath the cherry blossoms, a favourite among some, but that's not it either!
Conventions? Yes! Sakura Con is in about 67 days and so many hours and minutes counting down--woo~

Anyway, as for the meet of course as con tradition goes we'll be meeting on the last day of the convention at about 11am (or after we check out from our hotel rooms--will confirm the time closer to Sakura Con when its literally just around the corner).

Hope to see everyone there!
and don't forget to check out our gallery on!

Deadly Blue in the White

Long while since the convention. School started, and we were all kicked back into the face of reality. Well, sort of we also had mini meets but none of those really involved cosplay.

Then the snow came. And you all know what that means.


External Image

Yes that's right. Four of us (there would have been more if it wasn't so short noticed) were crazy enough to venture out into the snow.

That's alright though, because we're always willing to patrol and defend no matter the weather! Bwahaha *snow balled*

anyway, We also have our own cosplay gallery that's up now on deviantart: ! So please visit because we have many many more images there, plus a really awesome one from SOMEGUY! that sly bastard-- he photographs awesomely!

Shinsengumi group at Anime Evolution

Well, I've only got pics from Konme so far, so unfortunately no photo of our whole Anime Evolution group yet. I think we had a count of 16 or so people in Shinsengumi gear at the convention on Sunday. I'm sure SomeGuy will post a more through report of the convention soon.

Anyway here's a picture of our Friday night march group (missing several members).

UBC Invasion

Alright, seeing as AnimeEvolution has been moved over to the University of British Columbia the Shinsengumi meet up on Sunday is still on!

Meeting place will be on the top of the burial mound, in front of the Student Union Building at 11a.m. on Sunday.

SO if you're a random person who just so happens to be dressed as a shinsengumi on Sunday, JOIN US :D OR WE'LL HUNT YOU DOWN!!

I think we'll also be actively recruiting general convention members who just so happens to be dressed in Shinsengumi gear as we spot them.

I'll leave the march to Someguy as he is our main coordinator now :D

After our march and perhaps many photo opportunities, we'll be pulling members so we can have a mock battle behind the Anthropology Museum.

See you there!
And if you don't see us, you'll hear us.