Night Footage from AE 2008 at UBC

Courtesy of NicoVideo . . . but since we don't have accounts for NicoNico, we'll have to settle for burgling it and putting it on YouTube:

This is pretty much how we roll on patrol, yeah . . .

Massive thanks to KawatoriShinji (who originally filmed this, as well as who got me and Icecore online via webcam at Sakura-Con)! And buddy, if you see this and don't like it, I'll take it down. But I hope you won't mind. 'Cause this is pretty funny.

Also of note: when the glomp circle disperses off of us, it happened after I shouted "Remember, it's only gay if the balls are touching!"

Also, red scout + blue Shinsengumi = win.

Sakura-Con, Courtesy of S...

Ayup. One of the Shinsengumi uploaded her Sakura-Con pics. Have a few more:

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That's her in the last pic, by the way. But yeah. Excellent turn out for the Shinsengumi in Seattle this year. Even got a hold of a couple Kenshins and local Peacemaker cosplayers, even (note the manga-version Suzu in particular)!

Deadly Blue in the White

Long while since the convention. School started, and we were all kicked back into the face of reality. Well, sort of we also had mini meets but none of those really involved cosplay.

Then the snow came. And you all know what that means.


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Yes that's right. Four of us (there would have been more if it wasn't so short noticed) were crazy enough to venture out into the snow.

That's alright though, because we're always willing to patrol and defend no matter the weather! Bwahaha *snow balled*

anyway, We also have our own cosplay gallery that's up now on deviantart: ! So please visit because we have many many more images there, plus a really awesome one from SOMEGUY! that sly bastard-- he photographs awesomely!

For the next business meeting...

Whenever we deem it necessary to have our next cosplay business meeting in New Westminster . . . I've taken the liberty of prepping the diagrams and presentations for everyone:

Doubling up comes based on gender preferences, of course. That said, who else do we need doing what?

Only One Can Rock The Cowbell

There can be only one that can rock the cowbell. But no other can rock the cowbell quite like this...

Can you feel the intensity of our business meetings?