The Shinsengumi At Sakura-Con 2008

Now that we’re all back in Vancouver, we’re already planning for our next meetings, our next events, and our next conventions. Anime Evolution in August is the obvious next step and we already have at least fifteen confirmed Shinsengumi cosplayers not including any that we may pull together in the following months. Some of us are even thinking about trying to get to Kumoricon in September if we have the time and money (none of us have gone there before). More immediately, we may head out into Vancouver for sakura-viewing while the season is still good for that.

Several times during Sakura-Con, when we were in our other cosplays, we often looked at each other wishing we were in our Shinsengumi outfits. They’re very much our signature, the reason we’re now all together, and the most eagerly-anticipated part of our convention trips. It’s fun to be a samurai for a weekend. When the blue and white haori go on, you feel powerful, proud, and – as you march to the music with a dozen or so others – you feel part of something really special.

(Photo courtesy of Clint Hay, 2008)

If you ever find yourself in the American northwest or the British Columbian Lower Mainland for a convention, look us up. I promise it’ll be something memorable… and if you have a desire to put on the blue and white, well… we’re always recruiting.

Note: This is a repost of this article.