Name: Nikki
Age: 27
DOB: Nov. 24 1986
Height: 5ft roughly - What? I'm short
Believe in Love at First Sight: No.
Relationship Status: Single / Don't care
Here lately, I've come to discover, it doesn't matter whether I get married or not. It doesn't even matter if I stay single. Thing is, I may or may not be ready for it. What's important is being content with what you have.
I have a lot of favorite anime, but a few of them include: Code Geass, Trigun, Fullmetal Alchemist and Fairy Tail.
Favorite music: rock / hard rock / heavy metal, pop - I like things that people have said doesn't fit me.
My all time favorite band is the old Guns N' Roses. The new one sucked. End of story.
- Created By shortcrazygirl
Ending Before it Begins
So, like any of my other failed attempts at a relationship, I feel like this one is going to end before it really begins too. This crazy schedule just doesn't fit in with anyone else's schedule, and it makes it too difficult to plan anything. He wants to have breakfast with me, but I really actually don't do much breakfast. I don't know... maybe I'm just a weird, complicated person. I don't know... *sigh* Let's face it, dating and I don't get along very well. I'm not very good at the whole dating thing, and I've got too much in my way. Or maybe I'm just in my own way. Who knows...
Also, I have been meaning to type up my Doctor Who story. I've just been busy. Maybe during my time off the two days in a row I have next week.
Let's See Where it Goes
Well, had my first date, and while I was worried about making a good impression, he reassured me that all I need to do is be myself. When he asked me out, I was pleasantly surprised and I basically said sure why not? What the heck? I think I was right to say that. Let's just see where this goes. I think maybe part of the reason the other dates didn't work out is because both parties tried to rush things. He's still interested in going on a second date, so we'll just go from there.
From the Good to the Bad
So, here lately my parents have been fighting a lot more. Of course, my mom is not very computer savvy, but when my dad explains something, she doesn't want to listen. Like something with a computer virus and she didn't listen to him about that either. I wasn't there when that fight broke out, so I don't really know what happened, but I really hate that every time I turn around, my parents are fighting about something. I have to wonder if they're closer and closer to getting a divorce. It would be sad if they did. They've been married for forty years. I would either have to choose between my parents and where I want to live since I live with them, or I'd be forced to find an apartment and hope I can live with my little salary, and probably the food stamps I'd have to have. I love my parents, and I don't want to see them get a divorce.
Good Things Can Happen When You Least Expect
Sometime soon, I will be typing up the Doctor Who fan fiction stuff I have written so far - which I already know I will have to revise quite a bit because it doesn't give enough description- and I will be asking for feedback, but I have something else good to share. Anyways, I posted on my facebook what kind of guy I was interested in meeting, and lo and behold, someone replied and he asked me out! <3 Here soon I will be going on my first date in a good while. I don't usually do too well when dating, but maybe this time will be different. I hope it goes well. Oh, and he invited me to go to a convention with him in August! :D I guess people were right when they said good things can happen when you least expect. I honestly wasn't expecting a response.
Good Grief
Okay, so I wrote a letter to our congressman today explaining some things I think need changing. Don't know what good that'll do. If I actually hear back from them, I'll be like, "Omg wow!" but yeah, I hope to see some changes in the near future.
The other thing. Twice in a row, I have gotten off twenty minutes late. I'm sorry, but from now on, if I work till ten, and it's 8:00, if at all possible, I'm not doing self-checkout. Nope. Not since they can't get me off on time. And, I refuse to take 40 minutes off my lunch. They better let me go early one day.
And dumb college kids should be escorted out of that place. Yes, I will refer to them as kids because only kids do stuff that stupid in the wheel chair carts. I was actually kind of nervous. If I had've been CSM, I would've been calling our security and asked to have them taken out of the store. I'm sorry, but it's ridiculous. I'd tell them to go play at the park or maybe at some kiddie play area. Please... act like civilized people or get out.
Oh... btw, I actually have something creative I can share! :D
Sometime soon, I might be posting some of my Doctor Who fanfic stuff and see what you guys think.
*Maybe it should be anime, but Doctor Who is just as good as anime imo.*