Hello everyone, and welcome to my world.
If you would like, my nickname is Cat or Akki, so you do not have to bother with SilentDarkness all of the time.

I am 18 years old, and have graduated from high school. I enjoy drawing, and love listening to Japanese music. My idol is Bou-kun. I really like him, even though I would not go fan-ish over him (well, maybe a little xP). Despite my name, I am rather friendly. So if you would like to be friends, let's be friends~ I love to make friends. I am studying Japanese as well, even though I am not good enough as to make my own sentences yet, but at least I am learning. I will be going into college this fall for my art and hope to improve before I disgrace myself by presenting to the college terrible work. My birthday is in November, so it is in fall (my favorite season). I love to write as well, though I usually write romance, so I do not know if I will post many of my stories. If you like j-rock, and you have a request to draw someone, tell me. I'll try my best to draw someone. ^^
-I live in America, in case anyone wonders.
-I do like anime, but cannot draw it worth crap.
-I love cats
-I love silence and the dark
-I love to watch horror movies
-My favorite color is pink, though I am not a preppy person
-I do not care much about how I look
-I am weird, or so it is said
-I have lots of spare time
-I love to learn
-I like to listen (so if you're my friend, feel free to tell me what you wish ^^)
-I love to draw
-I love to read
-I like to walk
-I am a sucker for romance =P
-I like to give gifts :3
-I love Bou, and Antic Cafe
-I live in the hottest state in America! x.x
-I am happy to be out of high school xD
-I am, and probably will always be, single
-I have a job, what it is, is undisclosed~
-I am 5'1''
-I weigh 98 lbs
-I have brown hair
-My eyes are green
-I have MSN, if you want my address, ask me I'll be nice enough to give it if you ask ^^

Some of my favorite bands

Ai Otsuka, Alice Nine, Antic Cafe, Ayabie, Big Bang, D, DBSK, the Gazette, KAT-TUN, Kagrra, Kanon Wakeshima, Koda Kumi, Koharu Kusumi, Kra, Lolita23Q, LM.C, Nana Kitade, SID, SuG, Super Junior, Utada Hikaru, V (NEU), Versailles,W (double you), 倖田來未, アンティック-珈琲店-, 北出菜奈, 雅-miyavi-

Falling For You

The following is a story I wrote about the singer Shou from Alice Nine falling in love with a girl.

And the world will crumble at the sound of her voice...

He sat at his desk, tapping his pen against his chin in thought of what he might write. Recently, he could not get his mind off of this girl he met a few months ago. Ever since he had met her, he could not stop thinking about her. Eventually this led him to write a new song about how he felt for her since he could not bring himself to admit it to her.
The sky falls down with a single glance...
His feelings for her were mixed. He really liked her, but she was kind of hard to please. He could not blame her, for he had been hurt just as she had. But his likeness for her overwhelmed the sadness that he had also. When he was around her, he felt happiness as he had never felt.
From her eyes...
He sighed, setting his pen down on his desk and stared down a the paper that had only a few stanzas written on it. He couldn't concentrate anymore. Thinking on it too long upset him since he knew that she would not easily accept the feelings he held. He heaved another sigh, and ran his fingers through his hair, trying to think of what he could do.
If I had one more chance, I would have done it right
He decided that he could not hide it anymore. He did not want to keep his feelings for her bottled anymore. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and texted her. Airi, there has been something on my mind lately. I need to talk to you about it. If you could when you have time, please call me. He sent the text and sat his phone on his desk. He did not know how soon she would return his text with a phone call, but he decided to wait.
Airi, while at work, got a text and felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. She glanced around and poured the costumer's coffee in his cup before she handed it to him with a smile.
"There you go~" She said, smiling a bit.
"Thank you, miss." He said, paying the money he had owed and left the shop while taking small sips of his coffee.
While she had the time, she pulled her phone out and read the text. 'I wonder what he wants to talk about.' She thought to herself and put her phone back in her pocket, deciding to call him once it was her break.
A few hours later, when she had finally got her break she stepped outside and dialed his number. She waited while she heard the dial tone.
"Hello?" He answered.
"Hello Kazu-kun~ how are you doing?" She asked with a smile.
"Ah, I am doing alright." He smiled, "But there is something I would like to talk to you about, Airi-chan." He said.
"Oh? What's that?" She asked.
"I would prefer it to be in person. Is there a time when we could meet up somewhere so I could talk to you about it in person?" He asked.
She raised an eyebrow, wondering what it could be that he had to speak with her about. "Sure. I could call you after I get off of work and we could meet up somewhere." She said.
"Well okay. I will just pick you up from work when you call me so I can tell you what I need to." He said.
"Alright," She smiled, "I'll call you when my shift is over. Bye!" She said, hanging up to go back inside to finish her shift.
"Bye..." He said, hanging up his phone and placing it back on his desk.
He rested his elbows on top of his desk, placing his forehead in his palms as he thought. 'How am I going to tell her what I need to? I hope she doesn't reject me...I really like her, but if she doesn't feel the same way I would still like to be her friend. Would she even want to be my friend anymore if I tell her? This is so complicated...' He sighed at his thoughts, not really wanting to think about it, but he could not help it. He wanted to tell her, but did not want anything against his favor to rise if he did so. 'Then again...what if she liked me back?' He ran his fingers through his hair as he thought.
Airi had about ten minutes before she would have to call Kazumasa back. She sat on the stool behind the counter, thinking. 'I wonder what it is that Kazu-kun wants to talk about. I hope it's not bad...' She thought. As she was thinking this, she remembered when she first met Kazumasa.
It was around ten months ago, he had come into the shop to purchase a cup of coffee. But that was not what made them become friends. She ran into him a second time. This second time, she had accidently bumped him in the mall. He was shopping for clothes, and she was just looking around. She had over reacted and kept apologizing, when he only laughed and told her it was okay, that she didn't hurt him. Ever since she had seen his smile, she had felt a lump in her heart slowly fade. She would never tell him that she actually liked him. She did, but she had been hurt a lot. She promised herself she would not get attached easily anymore. She had been successful until he came along. He was always very kind to her, and had been there when she needed him. Only, he seemed nervous in public places and always had a busy schedule. She would often ask, but he would avoid answering her question.
'If I tell her that I like her, and she likes me back...I wonder if she would be able to accept that I can't be there all of the time. I never told her that I was in a band. Maybe I should not have hidden it from her...' He thought, suddenly feeling discouraged again. 'Hopefully she will accept it...' He thought, though he was still crestfallen.
Airi sighed as she clocked out. She sat on a bench just outside of the cafe. She pulled out her phone, flipping it open, and dialed Kazumasa's number once again.
Kazumasa heard his phone ring and picked it up, "Hello?" He answered.
"Hello Kazu-kun, again~" He heard Airi say on the other line.
"You're off of work now?" He asked, a hint of a smile forming on his lips.
"Yeah, I am." She said.
"Alright, I'll be there in a bit to pick you up." He said, while getting his keys and slipping his shoes on.
"Okay, I'll be waiting~" She said, smiling a bit.
"Alright," He smiled, "Mata ne." He said, hanging up his phone and walked out of his house, to his car.
"Later." She said, hanging up her phone, placing it back in her pocket while she waited for him. Sitting on the bench, she realized something. 'Kazumasa does a lot for me...and never wants anything in return. Could that mean that he likes me more so than a friend? I want to know...' Her thoughts trailed off. She then seen his car pull up, and he stepped out. Walking over to her, he felt nervous. Unlike how he usually felt around her.
"Hello Airi." He said in greeting as he stopped, standing in front of where she was sitting on the bench.
She stood, "Hello, Kazu-kun." She said, smiling softly.
"How was work?" He asked.
"I didn't do much, but I'm tired." She said.
"I see. Why didn't you drink some of the coffee?" He asked teasingly.
"I don't know." She said, glancing away from him.
"Well come on, I want to take you somewhere." He said.
"Like where?" She asked curiously, looking over at him once more.
"You'll see." He said, smiling at her before leading her to his car.
After they were both in his car, he put his keys in the ignition, starting his car and drove off to the special place he had in mind.
"So what it is you wanted to tell me?" Airi asked, looking over at Kazumasa.
"That...I'll tell you that once we get to where I am taking you." He said, tapping his fingers against the steering wheel to hide the nervousness from his face.
"Oh, okay." She said, glancing at him before looking out her window, wondering where they were going.
'It's getting dark...I know the perfect place to take her.' Kazumasa thought, taking a back road so she would not be able to tell where he was taking her. Once he got close enough to where he was taking her, he parked his car and killed his engine.
"We're going to walk from here, is that okay?" He asked.
"Yeah, that's fine." Airi said, unfastening her seatbelt.
"Alright." He said, getting out of his car with his keys, locking his car with a push of a button.
They both walked side by side along the sidewalk. Neither of them said anything to each other, the silence awkward.
He led her through an arched like structure, small candle like torches as decoration on the structures holding the arch up. Airi felt a sudden rush of curiosity, never seeing this place before. "Where are we, Kazu-kun?" She asked in utmost curiosity as she looked around at the traditional like building, or so it seemed to be a building.
"One of my favorite places to find quiet." He said, leading her inside.
She tilted her head a bit, but followed him inside.
It was dark. The only light came from the fountain in the center of the place. Various flowers were planted around the fountain. Airi could smell the aroma of the various plants. Roses, Jasmines,...
The next thing she knew was that Kazumasa was standing in front of her, something unfamiliar in his eyes. She tilted her head up at him, curiosity evident within hers. He looked down at her,
"Airi-chan. I do not know how you will react to what I need to tell you, but I have to tell you. I can't...go on keeping it locked up anymore. It hurts." He said, "I want you to know that...through this time knowing you, I have gotten to grow very fond of you. I think about you all the time. I want to make you happy, to keep you happy. I get sad when I see you sad, I can't stand it when you cry. But yet, when you're happy it changes my world. I love making you smile. I love seeing you happy, seeing you smile. And what makes it worth it is knowing that I was the one able to make you smile. Even if it was for just a brief moment. Airi-chan, what I am telling you is that I really, really like you. And I was wondering...if you would want to be my girlfriend?" He asked, looking at her with slightly teary eyes as he hoped that his effort was not a worthless attempt.
Airi pressed her lips together to keep them from quivering. What he said made her want to cry. No one had ever told her anything like that. No one had ever wanted to be the one to make her happy. None of the guys she had been with her before said anything like that to her. Kazumasa made her feel different. At first she thought it was not a good thing. But now she felt as if she could trust him.
Airi wrapped her arms around Kazumasa tightly, letting the tears fall from her eyes. Kazumasa's expression turned to one of panic.
"Airi-chan, I didn't make you cry did I? I am sorry. I hope it doesn't change anything. I am not pressuring you to answer or return my feelings. I just could not--"
He was cut off from his jumble of words by Airi pressing her lips against his. He calmed down a bit, softly returning her kiss.
"I would...love to be your girl friend, Kazu-kun." She said softly, resting her head on his shoulder as she hugged him tighter.
He smiled a bit, "I'm glad." He said, holding her closer.
They stayed like that for what seemed like a long time. Airi could not believe that she would find someone so great, that she would fall in love with in the country she had always loved most. Kazumasa wrapped his arms more tightly around her waist, bringing Airi closer to his body.
"Kazu-kun..." She called his name quietly.
"Yes?" He asked, looking down at her.
"I love you..." She admitted quietly.

Random image of Shou ^^
