Guitar Hero

I just semi-recently got into Guitar Hero (yes i know im late). For those of you who dont know, guitar hero is a game were flashing colors rush down the TV screen and you have to press the matching color button and strum a guitar-looking controller. IT IS ADDICTING!!! i was playing Sweet Child O' Mine on hard and i was rockn out... in my head. But in real life it was too hard! and then my friend/ neighbor came in and just replayed the song after i complained how hard it was. So ofcourse its the first time he has played that song and he 5 stared it (sidenote- 5 stars is like an A). and he just looked at me and you could easily tell that he was thinking, "Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids"... i was sad T.T


I ALMOST 4GOT TO TELL YOU! i know you dont care but i am so excited i have to share. today in weight training i bench-pressed 205 pounds. *super flexes*

Drunken Master

I was at the the library the other day and i saw that they had DVDs, by the way this was only my second time going in. So ofcourse i was looking for anime movies, nothing in particular just something that would keep my atention, when I came across a kung fu movie, "Jackie Chan Drunken Master" i was boosted. "this looks cool" i thought. So Once i got home and finished my homework I put in the dvd and fixed the settings on english subtitles. Or so i thought. Apparently it was on cantonese, both sound and subs. But me being the cool guy that I am decided, what the heck- the fighting is cool so ill watch it. it was pretty entertaining actually. and about 20 m inutes in and my mom comes in. She looks at me and then the TV and then back at me. And with a confused look on her face she asked "What the heck are you watching?" so I responded as any one would, I looked at her sternly and said "Silly rabbit, trix are for kids"


Hey every body, i wanted to do my first post yestersday from anime club, but it failed. i dont know why, but it wouldnt let me post, hopefully my home comp will work. Well the reason that i wanted to post yesterday was bcuz it was my first try at anime club and this is my first blog-like post.Plus something happened that I just had to tell you! Yesterday this kid who had bullied me a bit last year was in the wieghtroom with me during gym and he benched 135 about three times. then he got up and looked at me as i slid under the bar. "you cant do that" he said. I LIFTED IT 12 TIMES!!! and then when i got up, all red faced and tired i just looked at him and said "silly rabbit Trix are for kids" and walked away.

Trix Cereal: An Ongoing Struggle

One of America’s basic principles is equal opportunity for the consumer. It is atrocious that the rabbit has been denied Trix Cereal since 1978. The adult humanoid rabbit should be able to buy Trix Cereal at any store that has it in stock, holding his head up high and in broad daylight, with no disguises necessary.
Just as a kid can go to the supermarket and buy pina colada mix, that rabbit should be able to buy some Trix Cereal. In every Trix commercial the rabbit has to go to extreme measures, like dressing up in a disguise, to get his hands on some Trix Cereal. And then when he finally succeeds, right before he takes a bite of the “raspberry red, lemony lemon, orangey orange, wildberry blue, grapity purple and watermelon” deliciousness the kids snatch the cereal away. This act is plain mean, unfair and frankly un-American. These children are contradicting one of America’s core beliefs. From the days of preschool children are taught that “sharing is caring.” These kids obviously were not raised with America’s moral standard.
America takes fairness seriously. Civil rights activists have battled countless times for decades to prevent things like this from occurring. In not so distant history African Americans were denied access to eat at restaurants even here in our nation’s capital, but due to action, America came to realize how unfair this was. Some people think that the rabbit doesn’t deserve any Trix because he tries to trick the children, but a more objective eye would see that the rabbit is just taking necessary action to achieve his goal.
America has come a long way in civil rights but unfairness still exists. All demographic groups should be treated fairly, no matter how small that group may be. No, there are not many humanoid rabbits of adult age in America, but that doesn’t make their desires any less important. This Rabbit deserves some Trix Cereal.