Drunken Master

I was at the the library the other day and i saw that they had DVDs, by the way this was only my second time going in. So ofcourse i was looking for anime movies, nothing in particular just something that would keep my atention, when I came across a kung fu movie, "Jackie Chan Drunken Master" i was boosted. "this looks cool" i thought. So Once i got home and finished my homework I put in the dvd and fixed the settings on english subtitles. Or so i thought. Apparently it was on cantonese, both sound and subs. But me being the cool guy that I am decided, what the heck- the fighting is cool so ill watch it. it was pretty entertaining actually. and about 20 m inutes in and my mom comes in. She looks at me and then the TV and then back at me. And with a confused look on her face she asked "What the heck are you watching?" so I responded as any one would, I looked at her sternly and said "Silly rabbit, trix are for kids"
