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ROCK AND READ vol41 Uruha [offset]

source: ROCK AND READ MAGAZINE [Ameblo.jp]
via: Nameless Liberty [Tumblr]

Gaze-featured article~

Barks article about Uruha appearence on RR http://www.barks.jp/news/?id=1000079063&p=1

source: GazettEEUROPE, Facebook

Gaze-featured magazines [April]

MAGAZINES for April 2012:

04/05 - Ongaku to hito  
04/10 - ARENA37℃  
04/21 - SHOXX Vol.232 
04/25 - ROCK AND READ 041 (Cover: Uruha)


source: GazettEEUROPE, Facebook

GazeThoughts about Ruki

Members’ Comment about Ruki

Uruha: Ruki’s a guy who is invaded with the illness of not being able to stop talking once he gets started. A little like a pet. And he’s been surprisingly methodical lately.

Aoi: A shrewd person? He takes everything; song writing, guitars, bass, the mic as his own. But it’s a wonder you can’t hate him.

Reita: He’s a nice guy who’s always my straight man when I’m the funny one. Makes the world go numb with his nice voice!

Kai: Someone who readily chimes in with others! Talks a lot! Expressions appear on his face instantly. Doesn’t tell lies! Values taking care of what is inside oneself.

source: The Gazette 1 million fans, Facebook

GazeThoughts about Aoi

Member’s Comment about Aoi

Ruki: I thought he was scary the first time I saw him, but he was a surprisingly shy BOY.

Uruha: Is generally a data collector. Is someone who really battles through tough times, too… Surprisingly likes sake.

Reita: His movement is fast, whatever he does. Always drinks coffee. Has quite a lot of physical strength.

Kai: Has a lot of sympathy. Very polite. Often treats other people [to dinner, etc.]

source: The Gazette 1 millio fans, Facebook