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Making of VORTEX

the GazettE - VORTEX PV [FULL]

Ruki Tweet

“Oo. Thoughts and impressions about VORTEX are pouring in. Isn’t it excellent? Thanks. It was nice making it.” - Ruki (twitter)

source: namelessliberty, Tumblr

Interview Quote of the Week [May 23rd - 30th]

Interviewer: When Ruki-kun is writing lyrics like [in "Distress and Coma], the feeling is really dancing in them.
Ruki: Well, deep within me, I am that type of person [laughs]. Absolutely gentle.

source: Tumblr

Last minute news~!!

Today at LUCY.

Akai One Piece intro was played but then Uruha came to the front and stopped playing and Ruki started to sing Happy Birthday to you~. And Reita’s birthday cake appeared on stage! Apparently he said something like “I became an old man (くそじじ)”

source: Twitter, reblogged by sanctalilium on Tumblr