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- Created By aizome
TOP J-Rock 2011 10 rankings~
TOP J_ROCK 2011 1O rankings are announced.
1.the GazettE.
2.Alice Nine.
6.L ‘Arc-en-ciel.
9 X-Japan.
credit- The GazettE [ガゼット] RevolutionOFWorld, Facebook
source: The GazettE 1 million fans
“The truth is, the steps in the original melody is deeper than this. But there, Kai said, “This is not a song a human can play.” (laughs), so we slowed down the speed a little.”
— Ruki
source: OMG!-Oh My Gazette , Facebook
Funny GazeInterview
Uruha: I have a really funny clip on my mobile/cellphone, where Ruki – when we step into the restaurant, a waiter or waitress comes to seat us, right? And at the point, he’s already saying “3 Tarako spaghetti’s, extra portions”! (laughs)
Ruki: (laughs)
Uruha: It’s way too quick of him to order! I took a video of him doing that on my phone from behind.
Presenter: Did you always have Tarako spaghetti when you went, then?
Ruki: Well, cause we went there constantly, I was told that I might as well order before we even sat down -
Uruha: – yeah, we did!
Ruki: – so as soon as we opened the door, not waiting to see if the waiter or waitress would greet us, I was like, “3 Tarako spaghettis”!
Uruha: And one cheese fondue.
Presenter: How did the waiter or waitress react?
Ruki: They were like, “Urr -
Uruha: – thank you for your order! But how about you take seat first?”
source: Tumblr