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- Created By aizome
He's so cute on this pic that I couldn't resist! God! Uruha-san is so gorgeous and with that cute smile he's deadly.
source: Tumblr
More GazeWords
“he is the “heart” and “brain” of the GazettE.” — Uruha talks about Ruki (via hayley-feat-ruki)
“We’ve got our own style and do our own kind of music. We do not want to be put into categories or compared to others all the time.” — Uruha
(via tifakouyou)
"Whatever happens do not give up on your dreams. Be strong so that no one can control you "- Uruha
“So, I don’t want you to give up just because you’re getting laughed at or being said things by people” — Kai the GazettE - FC blog regarding his fanmail to someone (if I’m not mistaken)
source: Tumblr
VORTEX looks
source: Tumblr