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Ruki tweet

Left speechless.
Isshi-san. I still can’t believe it.

-Ruki’s twitter.

[via Tumblr]


source: Tumblr

GazeQuoting - Ruki

RukiVol#23 ;So what do you think is essential to loving someone?

Ruki: I really think it's compassion. If you love that person you won't hurt them, and if you don't like being told something, you won't say it to them. I think it all depends on that. I would definitely say it to the person I like. "Don't say things to people that you don't like being told yourself". Also to not do something to someone that you wouldn't like being done to yourself. If there wasn't that kind of compassion, everything would be over. For example, if my girlfriend wanted to go out drinking with her guy friends and I said, "Okay, then I'll go with my girl friends", it wouldn't make sense if she said no.

source: Tumblr

Ruki quote

“To the one who showed me when the pain was unbearable. The one who supported my weakness and believed in me. I can only say it with awkward words, but until my withered voice runs out, I want to stay here. When I’m so sad I can’t stand it. Like my overflowing tears, my song tells no lies. When I’m so happy I can’t speak. If I can just sing that song like my smile.” — Ruki (Vocalist of the GazettE), “Kare Uta” (via genevale)-----Tumblr

What does Gazette mean to you?

Ruki: Dream.
Uruha: We constructed life’s rails with our will
Aoi: The best partner
Reita: Youth.
Kai: Life

source: Tumblr