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“ RUKI took the candle in both his hands and placed it on the raiser in front of his spot, as soft guitars introduced “UNTITLED”. The audience held its breath, during this emotional highlight of the show, with sounds unmatched in its softness for the whole night. As the stars on the screen scatter away lightly, RUKI blew out the candle and applause filled the hall.
— the GazettE LIVE - VENOMOUS CELL-FINALE- at Yokohama Arena, 2012/01/14 (via my-very-last-breath)
(Source: musicjapanplus.jp, via my-very-last-breath, Tumblr)


“During the chorus there are lights that are constantly moving and shining on the ceiling and crowd resembling the stars in the night sky.” — the GazettE Fukuoka live during 「UNTITLED」 @sixth_bullet via twitter (via snakedlows)
