A time in your youth that you can smile about

Uruha: As I get older it feels like my innocent smile fades. Now, looking back to my elementary school days, I feel that I laughed at some things innocently.
Ruki: In high school during the school commutes, for some reason there was a determined vehicle for every student. Our school was in the first car. I would go from one place to another in my neighbourhood while wearing my school uniform. Those were the kinds of things I do around that time, and it was a refreshing sort of fun. Those are the memories of my youth.
Reita: I've gotten pretty stiff, but in the past I was pretty flexible and I'd imitate those weird positions of mollusks just to make everyone laugh. Uruha laughed to the point his stomach hurt. Making weird postures and being able to make everyone laugh, to me, were good times during my youth.
Kai: Spending time with everyone in the GazettE are definitely my funnest and happiest days. Which is why my youth is now.
Aoi: There's no doubt that I am having fun right now. But in my junior high days, arguments and stuff like that--just going about experiences in an innocent way. Those were the days that really make me smile.

source: Tumblr
