n.n <(O.o<) <(O.O)> (>o.O)> <(O.O)> <(O.o<) (ISH HAPPY DANCE =DDD)
I wouldn't know how to do that either :O maybe with some kind of recording thing... but I don't know if your computer can do that n.n I'm reaaaally looking forward to it though =D
Your welcome then,dude.I will.It'd make a nice Sonata,or Cantata or like one-winged angel,it could be a Carmina.(though I'm not sure if Carmina is a type of music...)
*Half crying*That...was great dude/dudette!I think my piano-playing skills woulda gone GREAT with this poem.I always liked sad stuff.And this 1 just made my list.
Otakuite+ | Posted 02/01/11 | Reply
I will...find out someday.
Grand Otaku | Posted 01/31/11 | Reply
n.n <(O.o<) <(O.O)> (>o.O)> <(O.O)> <(O.o<) (ISH HAPPY DANCE =DDD)
I wouldn't know how to do that either :O maybe with some kind of recording thing... but I don't know if your computer can do that n.n I'm reaaaally looking forward to it though =D
Otakuite+ | Posted 01/30/11 | Reply
Though I'm not sure how 2 do that...I AM using this computer after 5 years,so I don't remember.
Grand Otaku | Posted 01/29/11 | Reply
wow, totally awesome!!! Could you perhaps, when you've finished it, mail/send/whatever it to me :3 I'd love to hear it =D =D =D
Otakuite+ | Posted 01/29/11 | Reply
Your welcome then,dude.I will.It'd make a nice Sonata,or Cantata or like one-winged angel,it could be a Carmina.(though I'm not sure if Carmina is a type of music...)
Grand Otaku | Posted 01/28/11 | Reply
Thanks :$ And I'll go for dude n.n
You may use it for a piano song if you want, that'd honour me =) I'm really happy you like it =)
Otakuite+ | Posted 01/28/11 | Reply
*Half crying*
That...was great dude/dudette!I think my piano-playing skills woulda gone GREAT with this poem.I always liked sad stuff.And this 1 just made my list.