hey their im sory i havent been looking at your stuff lately
i absolutely love your back ground!
owch thows bug bites sound like they hurt!
lol yah thows bug bites would give me something to do ! not look at them but to hunt down every bitt of them and send them to a skwushy deth!
lol that guets hard for me to do [making every one 99] unless the game play is realy fun!i tend to pick favrets and only train with them till the bitter end[unless the story mode gods have a say about it !]...and they always do!
omg they love you how awefull[lol just kidding it just seems like in the beging of your paragraph that you dont want them to like you]
i havent played any of the new pokimon games the last one i played was silver
[yah i know old!]
but i think i was adicted to that game !!
i think i obsesed over making my pokimon love me as well XD
Uh you copy cat, you only started playing Pokemon after I started playing it! Now everyone is going to think that I am the one who started copying you! Not cool lol ¡-¡ Oh well, I'm done with my game anyways
I want the new Final Fantasy game. It looks so fun. I am so mad because my stupid computer sucks. The screen can't support this new Otaku version. It's pretty gay and you're page keeps scrolling everytime I write something in this comment.
I'm going to send you something for your birthday, so yeah I still hope you have a good one
The Pied Piper (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/12/08 | Reply
I've got about twenty bug bites right now. I scratched one on my ankle and now it hurts. Stupid mosquitoes. They're supposed to stay away from salt water.
I admit, I never played any Final Fantasy games and I never got into Pokemon. I'm debating playing Final Fantasy because I have so much to do now. Someday though.
And as far as Pokemon go, I was that one kid in sixth grade who was selling single cards to people for five to three US dollars. I bought myself a horse some months later.
I can't believe I haven't been watching the Olympics. I caught one of the Russian girls on the uneven bars for a few seconds but that was the extent. Ah, I used to be able to do uneven bars. Not like them, but swing around upside-down and jump to and from. Go Australia for metaling!
Wow...those bug must really like you or something. I'm sorry that you keep getting bitten. Wait...you like them because they keep you from being bored? LOL Well I guess if they keep you from being bored then they aren't too bad. Yay for new friends!! Hello to all of Insane's new friends!! So your playing FF12 again? Koolest I hope you can get the secret weapon like you want and, yay for all of your pokemon liking you! Also congratz on Australia getting a bronze metal! Woot! Well have a great day my friend!
Bug bites that MOVE... Ick... Well even if they are some sort of distraction, I hope they don't get worse!
Good luck with the Final Fantasy game... I'd never manage to do that... I'd get bored XD But I suppose you get a good feeling of accomplishment afterwards ^^
HI! Sweet site! I love the background colors!
An Australian eh? Sweet, I've always wanted to go there!
As for bug bites? I get tons of mosquito bites every year! I just put this one type of medicine, I think it's called, "After Bite" or "After Itch" It works really well!
I haven't played FF12 yet, I'm still trying to beat FFX!!!
Well, see ya round!
(Congrats on Australia's Bronze!!! I'm still cheering for Phelps tho! ^_^)
You're still getting bus bites? Hmm, hope you get rid of those suckers. I remember a couple years ago I was getting bug bites too, and I got it from sleeping on the sofa as well. Hmm... I still haven't got Final Fantasy 12. Man, the game is old enough now to get it cheap.
You know in my Pokemon game I still haven't fought the Elite 4! I'm a lazy trainer I only have one strong pokemon an Empoleon and all his moves have low PP so I can't fight everyone with him because he'd run out of moves before it's over. Boy, I'm not such a good trainer I have to train ALL my pokemon.
red kie
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/16/08 | Reply
hey their im sory i havent been looking at your stuff lately
i absolutely love your back ground!
owch thows bug bites sound like they hurt!
lol yah thows bug bites would give me something to do ! not look at them but to hunt down every bitt of them and send them to a skwushy deth!
lol that guets hard for me to do [making every one 99] unless the game play is realy fun!i tend to pick favrets and only train with them till the bitter end[unless the story mode gods have a say about it !]...and they always do!
omg they love you how awefull[lol just kidding it just seems like in the beging of your paragraph that you dont want them to like you]
i havent played any of the new pokimon games the last one i played was silver
[yah i know old!]
but i think i was adicted to that game !!
i think i obsesed over making my pokimon love me as well XD
)Oo~ Black rabit ~oO(
Teapot Domescam
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/13/08 | Reply
Uh you copy cat, you only started playing Pokemon after I started playing it! Now everyone is going to think that I am the one who started copying you! Not cool lol ¡-¡ Oh well, I'm done with my game anyways
I want the new Final Fantasy game. It looks so fun. I am so mad because my stupid computer sucks. The screen can't support this new Otaku version. It's pretty gay and you're page keeps scrolling everytime I write something in this comment.
I'm going to send you something for your birthday, so yeah I still hope you have a good one
The Eighth Sin
The Pied Piper (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/12/08 | Reply
I've got about twenty bug bites right now. I scratched one on my ankle and now it hurts. Stupid mosquitoes. They're supposed to stay away from salt water.
I admit, I never played any Final Fantasy games and I never got into Pokemon. I'm debating playing Final Fantasy because I have so much to do now. Someday though.
And as far as Pokemon go, I was that one kid in sixth grade who was selling single cards to people for five to three US dollars. I bought myself a horse some months later.![](http://www.theotaku.com/global/images/icons/female-smile.gif)
I can't believe I haven't been watching the Olympics. I caught one of the Russian girls on the uneven bars for a few seconds but that was the extent. Ah, I used to be able to do uneven bars. Not like them, but swing around upside-down and jump to and from. Go Australia for metaling!
And happy almost birthday.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/12/08 | Reply
Wow...those bug must really like you or something. I'm sorry that you keep getting bitten. Wait...you like them because they keep you from being bored? LOL Well I guess if they keep you from being bored then they aren't too bad. Yay for new friends!! Hello to all of Insane's new friends!! So your playing FF12 again? Koolest I hope you can get the secret weapon like you want and, yay for all of your pokemon liking you! Also congratz on Australia getting a bronze metal! Woot! Well have a great day my friend!
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/12/08 | Reply
Bug bites that MOVE... Ick... Well even if they are some sort of distraction, I hope they don't get worse!
Good luck with the Final Fantasy game... I'd never manage to do that... I'd get bored XD But I suppose you get a good feeling of accomplishment afterwards ^^
Mad Hatter Belia
Grand Otaku | Posted 08/12/08 | Reply
HI! Sweet site! I love the background colors!
An Australian eh? Sweet, I've always wanted to go there!
As for bug bites? I get tons of mosquito bites every year! I just put this one type of medicine, I think it's called, "After Bite" or "After Itch" It works really well!
I haven't played FF12 yet, I'm still trying to beat FFX!!!
Well, see ya round!
(Congrats on Australia's Bronze!!! I'm still cheering for Phelps tho! ^_^)
Burning Spirit (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/12/08 | Reply
You're still getting bus bites? Hmm, hope you get rid of those suckers. I remember a couple years ago I was getting bug bites too, and I got it from sleeping on the sofa as well.
Hmm... I still haven't got Final Fantasy 12. Man, the game is old enough now to get it cheap.
You know in my Pokemon game I still haven't fought the Elite 4! I'm a lazy trainer I only have one strong pokemon an Empoleon and all his moves have low PP so I can't fight everyone with him because he'd run out of moves before it's over. Boy, I'm not such a good trainer I have to train ALL my pokemon.
Well then see ya around.