Welcome to my place!

If you are a lovely lady that wants to enjoy some tea in my company, please come in *smiles softly*

If you are a man then we should drink some good sake.

This is a space created by my master where I can do anything I want to....If you are lucky enough you'll know more about me *grins*

Kitty-chan's colored it too!

First, Thanks a lot to all the people that took the time to color my lineart! *hugs*

And as the tittle says, this is Kitty-chan's colored versioon of the piccy!!! Isnt it awesome???

Thanks kitty-chan ^^

Gil by Iru-chan

Look how Iru-chan colored my Gil's lineart!! He loos completly AWESOME!

Again, Thanks a lot Iru-chan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorrowful Memories (Intro)

Hello there! Well this is just the introduction for Gil's past! Ive never submitted something about his past and how did he end in the mansion far away of his beloved little brother... Off course as usual Val helped me to improve some things and h...

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Hello there guys!!!

Do you remeber my Gil's lineart submited a few days ago?? Well King-sama helped me coloring it here is the result!!!!

I TOTALLY LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE the way she colored my dear Gil! he looks completely hot and cool!!!! hahahahahaha sorry but I just couldnt avoid submitting this, I wanted you to see my dear baby colored by such a great artist!!!! :D

Lineart: Krokun

Color: King-sama

Gil's English voice!

Hello there!!! well I just wanted to submit Gil's english voice!
His voice is similar to Stark's.... hope ya like it! ^_^