Welcome to my world.

I'm SomeGuy, 29 years old, residing in Vancouver, BC, Canada. I've studied English Literature, Chinese Martial Arts, and am currently pursuing careers in writing - possibly even in the anime industry itself.

And I work for this site.

And you should be watching Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad.
Or watching Ranma 1/2.
Or learning about the Shinsengumi.
Or planning to visit Vancouver, The Best Place On Earth (actual marketing motto).

Here at the "Smallville" page, I have my personal blog where I'll post about anything and everything. If ya need me or otherwise need to know anything from/about me, here's where I'll be.

If you're really looking for my more professional, site-type stuff, you wanna head over my "Metropolis" world.

(Banner Design Courtesy of Red Tigress - thanks Red!)

Canadian, Please

Found out too late about this last year. But shock, one year later, it's relevant again!

Random fact for those of you not in the know: Canada got its name back when French Explorer Jacques Cartier received directions from the Iroquoian locals to the next village, or "kanata". Beyond that settlement, Cartier came to use the word to describe the rest of that particular region of the new world. And the rest is history.

Happy 143rd birthday to the big village, and Happy Canada Day to everyone!

142 Years Old!

(Footage courtesy of Utah:)

Things for everyone to do today:

  • Have a Molson, a Kokanee, a Labatt, a Sleeman, or an Alexander Keith with your dinner.
  • Sew a flag on your backpack.
  • Add some extra U's to your colourful, honourable words.
  • Put cheese curds and gravy on your french fries.
  • Watch a bunch of shows dubbed by Ocean Studios. Or ReBoot.
  • Watch some old, good episodes of Saturday Night Live.
  • Chase a beaver. Like, the actual animal. Pervert.

External Image

Happy birthday, country o' mine, and Happy Canada Day, guys! Oh, but don't screw up the "eh?". That pisses us off.

Canada Day +1

So last night was interesting . . . to technically celebrate Canada Day (though more realistically to finish off 3 bottles of sake before they went bad), we (the Shinsengumi-types) all went back to the housewarming house . . .

. . . and watched yaoi all night. Boku No Sexual Harassment before dinner, and Gohatto after dinner. It was amusing and messed up all at once.

On the plus side, we finished off most of the sake.

So that was Tuesday . . . skipped out on both theO meetings and kung fu for this. Yeah. Messed up. And I will never be able to look at either corn or bourbon the same way ever again.

Ahh . . . good times . . .

July 1st . . .

141 years and still kicking ass . . .

So remember, everyone:

  • It's okay to cheer at the end of the anthem.
  • The French words to the anthem are cooler anyway.
  • The beer's a little stronger up here (but not by too much).
  • Regardless, the beer commercials are still so much better.
  • The Kokanee ranger may potentially die in the near future in a Jason Todd voting manner.
  • The European French feel that the Quebecois accent sounds funny; everyone thinks that the Newfies sound funny.
  • The national summer sport is lacrosse, but hockey's the one that really counts.
  • The Germans invented the word "stormtroopers" because of us.
  • We've pissed off a very small number of countries considering our size and general international impact.
  • It was the most obvious thing to invent, but since we did it first, the space shuttle-based robotic arm is called the "Canadarm" and it proudly rubs that fact in the face of every astronaut orbiting the earth.

So for today, I want everyone to get comfy, open up an Alexander Keith's India Pale Ale (or a Tim Horton's Iced Capp' if that's more your style), dig into a Tube Steak and some french fries topped with cheese curds and gravy and top it all off with a Nanaimo bar. Give a nod to the Queen if she's lookin', give an excited shout if the football team's gonna run it during 3rd down, and yell at Parliament Hill for something they're probably doing wrong. And in the evening, relax in front of the Death Note dub or an Ellen Page movie.

My name is James, and well . . .

Happy Canada Day, everyone, and happy birthday, country o' mine. I reckon this year should be a priddy good one, eh?

(And yes, our beer commericals are just. That. Good.)
