Welcome to my world.

I'm SomeGuy, 29 years old, residing in Vancouver, BC, Canada. I've studied English Literature, Chinese Martial Arts, and am currently pursuing careers in writing - possibly even in the anime industry itself.

And I work for this site.

And you should be watching Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad.
Or watching Ranma 1/2.
Or learning about the Shinsengumi.
Or planning to visit Vancouver, The Best Place On Earth (actual marketing motto).

Here at the "Smallville" page, I have my personal blog where I'll post about anything and everything. If ya need me or otherwise need to know anything from/about me, here's where I'll be.

If you're really looking for my more professional, site-type stuff, you wanna head over my "Metropolis" world.

(Banner Design Courtesy of Red Tigress - thanks Red!)

Super embarrassing . . .

So I totally texted a sassy young girl today asking about her travel plans and if they were happening.

And I got a "what" back. So I double-checked if the travels were today or tomorrow.

And I got a "who is it" back. So I figured someone had sassy young girl's cell phone. So I replied "Your mom. Is this or is this not Alexa?"

"It is not"

And that's when I remembered that kiddo totally had a new Alberta number and that I really should have deleted the old BC phone number far earlier.

One apology text later, I texted the correct number (hopefully).


Aaaaaaaand it's snowing tonight . . .

. . . and I work Saturday morning on a no-tax day.


My Car Is Gimped . . .

Dinner at home last night was sweet. Gotta love Mid-Autumn . . .

. . . anyway, depressing money story ahead . . .

Brought my Subaru into the shop today to get its 120,000km servicing. Now I went in knowing fully well that this was gonna be an expensive service; apparently 120,000 is important like that. But then, naturally, while the car's in there, they find all the other problems with it. This is going to hurt my bank very badly in the next little while . . .

Alright, so from the top . . . the "big service": $336.69

And then apparently I agreed to a full power steering fluid flush: $109.98

I also had another thing I wanted to get checked out involving my starter or something. They diagnosed that: $83.30

Diagnosis is that my OEM neutral switch assembly is getting bonked. Part is fairly cheap but needs to be shipped in from Toronto and will take about a week. If I want it, I need to pay for that now. That said, that wasn't quite the problem I was worried about, but I think they picked up on that one later. Meantime, cost of the neutral switch: $38.63

And then of course, as you all remember, I had an incident last spring. To wipe away the final vestiges of my memories of smacking the hell out of my fender, they can also order in a front-right side marker for me: $48.50

So total cost of today's services and orders (including labour): $738.40

So that's essentially one paycheck. Gross. And it's still not done yet . . . I've got a bigger problem . . .

My head gasket is cracked. It has been leaking oil and coolant. This is the kind of thing that will kill a car if not fixed. On top of that, it's going to be about ten hours of labour to fix it.

Oh yeah, and my starter is pretty stuffed right now too. I'll probably need to replace that too.

Their quote also mentions costs for replacing my holed fog lights. I think that is a $489.73 I can afford to hold off on for now (I inherited those fog lights, actually). So yeah, screw the fog lights. For now, anyway.

Add to that the cost of labour (including for all those fun bits I still have to install that areflying in from Toronto) . . .

. . . to fix this other stuff, we're looking at an estimated total of about $2500-$3000. Unless that includes the fog lights, in which case it's $2000-$2500.

Either way you slice it, that's essentially half of all my liquid assets to my name, if not a little more. I think I'll be poking my parents for a little bit of help on this one this week. It's actually a little funny because there have been a few times I've kinda chewed them out for always wanting to cover my costs since I live alone. I want to pay my own way, take care of myself, y'know? Well, they always say to ask if I ever need anything, and I always say "if I have anything, I will."

I think I have something about which to ask for help now. Maybe they'll be happy in that sense.

Probably not.


And now that the party's over . . .

. . . I'm pretty sure I have a cold, going by all things nose-related I've suffered these past few days. Congestion, running, bleeding.


Whatever. The Olympics were still awesome.

The Other Day . . .

. . . I set up my online banking stuff for my brand new MasterCard which will get me points when I pay bills with it and such so I can buy crap from work and has PayPass which is nifty and is connected to my bank account that gets my income so it's super convenient and let's face it this credit card is gonna make for all sorts of great convenience!

And then today, I can't remember for the life of me what I chose as my login ID for this online banking type stuff.
