Welcome to my world.

I'm SomeGuy, 29 years old, residing in Vancouver, BC, Canada. I've studied English Literature, Chinese Martial Arts, and am currently pursuing careers in writing - possibly even in the anime industry itself.

And I work for this site.

And you should be watching Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad.
Or watching Ranma 1/2.
Or learning about the Shinsengumi.
Or planning to visit Vancouver, The Best Place On Earth (actual marketing motto).

Here at the "Smallville" page, I have my personal blog where I'll post about anything and everything. If ya need me or otherwise need to know anything from/about me, here's where I'll be.

If you're really looking for my more professional, site-type stuff, you wanna head over my "Metropolis" world.

(Banner Design Courtesy of Red Tigress - thanks Red!)

Rocky Jumped A Park Bench

If none of you have ever seen the Angry Video Game Nerd's videos . . . what the heck's wrong with you?

Aside from the character that made him globally famous, the guy is a really fun and inspired filmmaker. Nothing big yet and nothing that's gotten beyond online contests and local film festivals, but the man's got some crazy passion for his art.

So for the Philadelphia Film Festival, he made a documentary about all the Rocky sights in town - he only has part one up so far, but damn . . . it's cool.

(Watch this if you're a fan of the Rocky movies!)

Rocky movies and bad video games aside . . . I'unno, nothing's on fire, so I guess I'm doin' okay. Got a lot of work I'm not doing, though . . . I need to fix that . . .

Wanna know what I'm excited about?

Went DVD shopping yesterday, went on the previously-suggested Ellen Page blowout with both "Juno" and "Hard Candy". I also picked up the 2nd box of Gundam SEED finally (now that I finally started watching the first box).

So Vancouver Shinsengumi Cosplayer Rock Band party on Saturday. That's gonna be fun . . . I need to find me a 2nd guitar, though. I'll probably need to borrow from a Superstore person some time this week . . . but that'll be fun. Again, I'm all stoked 'cause we're finally all hanging out more in general.

Other than that . . . just been watching a lot of YouTube. Y'know the Angry Video Game Nerd? Well, he did a walking tour of Philadelphia and made a documentary called "Rocky Jumped A Park Bench". It's not released yet, but he posted a preview from his screening at the Philadelphia Film Festival;

I can't wait to see that . . . but 'til then, I guess I'd better go watch Ellen Page torturing a pedo for a bit . . . peace!
