Welcome to my world.

I'm SomeGuy, 29 years old, residing in Vancouver, BC, Canada. I've studied English Literature, Chinese Martial Arts, and am currently pursuing careers in writing - possibly even in the anime industry itself.

And I work for this site.

And you should be watching Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad.
Or watching Ranma 1/2.
Or learning about the Shinsengumi.
Or planning to visit Vancouver, The Best Place On Earth (actual marketing motto).

Here at the "Smallville" page, I have my personal blog where I'll post about anything and everything. If ya need me or otherwise need to know anything from/about me, here's where I'll be.

If you're really looking for my more professional, site-type stuff, you wanna head over my "Metropolis" world.

(Banner Design Courtesy of Red Tigress - thanks Red!)

Who Has a Nico Video Account?

I got the downloaded file already, but if anyone here has a Nico Video account, I encourage you to check this out:

【外人】新選組@Anime Evolution 2008【「歌」付き】

Bwahaha . . . I should be a jerk and upload this to YouTube . . . anyway, for those of you wondering, this is 9 minutes of video from last year's Anime Evolution, during the traditional Shinsengumi "Night March".

If you're curious (or if you can't see it), points of interest include:

  • Myself singing "Freeze Ray" from Dr. Horrible
  • Myself and another guy whistling the theme from Metal Gear Solid 4
  • The Shinsengumi crashing the open karaoke (and myself dancing around a little)
  • The Shinsengumi-Mobile briefly
  • The Shinsengumi interrupting the glomp circle, announcing our professions, and then getting glomped
  • The Shinsengumi (wearing blue) catching site of a TF2 Red Scout...
  • The Shinsengumi attempting to chase said scout...

Also, ShadowLight's in there. And that's always good for grins.

Maaaan, the video for this year's gonna be intense . . .

More Shinsengumi in the Snow...

Amenonine uploaded more pics to the official cosplay dA account:

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The group dA account is here:


Hmm . . . we should really make a post on our theO World with these . . .

I've Been Tenderized!!

Yesterday more or less had two, two and a half phases. Enjoyable all around, but damn . . .

So let's recap.

Phase 1/2: Meeting Adam

Adam mistook the "8" in his address for a "3" when he told me. That almost complicated things. Other than that, I failed at paying for parking a little bit, we had lunch at a Thai place (that was more "Thai cafe" than anything), and then we went to Tim Horton's so Bossman could get his very first family pack of Timbits.

The Timbits would soon be devoured throughout the afternoon, leaving Adam in a food coma before 4pm.

But yeah, Adam's a neat guy. Very calm, collected, thinks before he speaks . . . and he loves that sushi is so cheap in Vancouver. So he seems to be adjusting well and that's a good thing.

Phase 1.0: Meeting the Modern Shinsengumi

I imagine we'll have pictures of this sooner than later up on that other World of ours, but yeah. Adam got to meet some nice, decent Vancouver otaku. Hopefully our photoshoot did not bore him too much (and it was just the Timbits killing him slowly from the inside out - far better explanation, definitely).

So there were a total of eight of us (nine including Adam) with two staying behind the cameras more than not. But it was pretty decent and we didn't cause too much of a spectacle in downtown Vancouver. So we did alright.

Anyway, here's one picture before the rest pop up on the other World (which they will, I should hope!):

Red hair just makes Shinsengumi cosplay complete for me, I dunno . . . oh, props to Adam for spraying the back of my head (even though he also sprayed my neck a little). But yeah, at about 4:30 I had to jet to get to my other thing for the day . . . so we rode in the Shinsengumi-mobile (a poor blue 1955 Pontiac that has a little more watercolour paint than most) back to the parking lot (more on that some other time), I got Adam back home, and I left downtown . . .

Phase 2: Filming Fight Scenes

I met up with a film student friend of mine at about 5pm afterwards. We were gonna go film some fighting in Burnaby, down in a park near what's called Deer Lake (east of Vancouver proper, west of where I live). I've never really acted in someone's film project before, let alone fight in one. So it was pretty fun and exciting for me.

And yes, my hair was still red during this filming session.

So there were four of us: myself, two other taller, lean-built guys . . . and a human meat tank. So it just made sense to film it as a 3-on-1 against the big six foot tall, 230 pound monster . . .

. . . did I mention that said-monster is deeply connected with Anime Evolution?

So yeah, seeing as I pretty much weight 100 pounds less than him, he had fun. Aside from actually getting to throw some kicks and punches at him (as well as trying to hit him with a piece of tree branch that was lying around), he caused the following sets of pain on me:

  • Grabbed me as I tried to kick him, picked me up and threw me into another guy; we both fall to the ground.
  • Love-tapped me with a jab to the jaw (lightly connected with one, even); to be fair, I kicked him 4 times prior to that (though he blocked the last one with his shin - ouch.)
  • Grabbed my arm and leg while he was lying on the ground being choked by another guy, threw me over him and rolling across the ground; my arm went through a thing of goose crap, too, which I had to wash off in the lake. Ew.
  • I got to flurry him with punches and one nice kick to his stomach, pushing him back . . . but then he speared/tackled me to the ground and pummelled me around a little from above (I have nice bruises on my shoulders from that one - they look great and don't hurt at all . . . yet, anyway).
  • Once on the ground, I did get to put him in a bit of a triangle choke which was cool . . . until he lifted me right up and powerbombed(!!!) me to the ground (not hard, but height + gravity did its work). Knocked the wind outta me, but whatever. It looked good.
  • After the first one, I then got to take another powerbomb onto a park bench, crunching up and letting my head drape over the back of it. Surprisingly, this one hurt far less than the first one . . . still okay, though.
  • Once "dead" on the bench, the guy pushed me off the bench, I collapse down onto the hard dirt and gravel where all the grass around the bench had worn away . . . landed right on my knees. Now THAT hurt. My knees are kinda bleh now, but I'm sure I'll be fine (when I got home my grandma rubbed a gratuitous amount of Chinese wood lock oil.

So yeah. I had fun yesterday. And yes, once this is edited, processed, and up on YouTube I will gladly share it with you all. You can watch me get my ass kicked by a guy twice my size.

I'll do a writing workshop later today, let Beck's thing take center-stage a little longer. So yeah, everyone be sure to play with Beck's writing prompt, okay? And Nehsz', lookin' forward to what you bring for Tuesday!

Busy Day Today . . .

Gonna hang out with Adam today. That should be fun. I also have to film some fight scenes with some other person this evening. That should also be fun.

Other than that . . . I'm just takin' some pictures in the afternoon . . .

I'll tell ya more about that tomorrow, probably.

Other than that . . . I've formally introduced the Writers Bloc weekly schedule and what's goin' on with it. And Beck', if you have some better names for your days I'll be happy to plug those in for ya. But yeah, this should be fun . . .

A'ight, I'll catch you guys later. Peace!

Imagination Gone Awry

Ohhhhhhhhhhh man . . . . . I went insane again this week . . .

Look what I did in Rock Band this week!

"Sanosuke" has all his scars, "Shinpachi" has his nose bandage, and "Saitou" has beads around "his" wrists and a fishnet top. And yes, "Yamanami" is wearing the "Doctor What" jacket that you can buy in the game (I'm sure that should interest at least one or two people here).

Other than that . . . a couple birthdays here and there, had a delicious bacon cheeseburger at White Spot where you could actually taste the bacon on the burger . . . annnnd yeah. Monday was a pretty decent day, I'd say.