Wanna know what I'm excited about?

Went DVD shopping yesterday, went on the previously-suggested Ellen Page blowout with both "Juno" and "Hard Candy". I also picked up the 2nd box of Gundam SEED finally (now that I finally started watching the first box).

So Vancouver Shinsengumi Cosplayer Rock Band party on Saturday. That's gonna be fun . . . I need to find me a 2nd guitar, though. I'll probably need to borrow from a Superstore person some time this week . . . but that'll be fun. Again, I'm all stoked 'cause we're finally all hanging out more in general.

Other than that . . . just been watching a lot of YouTube. Y'know the Angry Video Game Nerd? Well, he did a walking tour of Philadelphia and made a documentary called "Rocky Jumped A Park Bench". It's not released yet, but he posted a preview from his screening at the Philadelphia Film Festival;

I can't wait to see that . . . but 'til then, I guess I'd better go watch Ellen Page torturing a pedo for a bit . . . peace!
