This was a fun weekend . . .

So Saturday we had our Shinsengumi Rock Band meeting. Watched some anime, played some Rock Band . . . ate some pizza, watched some YouTube . . . it was a really good night.

And yes, I took some YouTube. And yes, everyone else in the group hates me for doing so now, probably.

Umm . . . other than that, Sunday I went out to see Forbidden Kingdom and had the theater sell out RIGHT when I got to the counter. Burn, huh? So I ended up getting a drink with my friend instead before coming home (where my brother had friends over playing Rock Band and who made me sing with them a bit).

As for anything and everything Rock Band related right now . . . all I can say is:

"This was a triumph! I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS!"

All of that aside . . . look what I'm going to next month:

That should be fun, I bet . . .
