to own a cat is quite peaceful, they're quite fond company. If you tame them from when they're young they wouldn't scratch a sofa or a pillow at all. :)
Awwww sorry to hear that you're not allowed, hey, maybe later in your life in time. You might be able to get one.
I do! I have two dogs (one of them is a puppy) who are very energetic and playable. They do cause some trouble from time to time, but I love them as much and they are just amazing. You will enjoy your puppy, I know it ^_^
Awww, how adorabru!~ He's so cute, and the name fits him perfectly! He looks like the type of dog that's full of energy and always happy :) Take care of him, and have fun with your new family member!
He is very cute! He was so shy when they brought him home, then I made him a little more comfortable. He is a ball of energy, alright. He stays in my room, so that makes me responsible. I'll take good care of him.
Otakuite+ | Posted 05/02/14 | Reply
to own a cat is quite peaceful, they're quite fond company. If you tame them from when they're young they wouldn't scratch a sofa or a pillow at all. :)
Awwww sorry to hear that you're not allowed, hey, maybe later in your life in time. You might be able to get one.
Grand Otaku | Posted 05/01/14 | Reply
I love dogs! ^^ I even love cats. I always want to know what it's like to own a cat, but my mom hates cats. :P
Otakuite+ | Posted 05/01/14 | Reply
You're welcome. I have always been a cat person myself, but I still like dogs. Especially Labradors or Dalmations :)
Grand Otaku | Posted 04/30/14 | Reply
Thank you! ^^
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/30/14 | Reply
awe he's so cute!
Otakuite++ | Posted 04/29/14 | Reply
That's good. I'm sure Wolfie will be a light in your life~ :)
Grand Otaku | Posted 04/29/14 | Reply
Aww that's sweet! I had two dogs before, so I should get use to this one all by myself. :)
Otakuite++ | Posted 04/29/14 | Reply
I do! I have two dogs (one of them is a puppy) who are very energetic and playable. They do cause some trouble from time to time, but I love them as much and they are just amazing. You will enjoy your puppy, I know it ^_^
Grand Otaku | Posted 04/29/14 | Reply
Really? You think so? O.O Well, he is adorable.
Otakuite++ | Posted 04/29/14 | Reply
Awww! Adorable troublemaker, huh? In my opinion, those are always the best puppies X3
Grand Otaku | Posted 04/29/14 | Reply
Yep. He's starting to get into trouble. Chewing power cords and such :P
Otakuite++ | Posted 04/29/14 | Reply
A dog with a lot of energy is a perfect dog! Sounds like you'll have a lot of fun with him :)
That's good to hear! :)
Grand Otaku | Posted 04/29/14 | Reply
He does have lots of energy, especially when he ran back and forth in my yard. I will take good, good care of him. :)
Grand Otaku | Posted 04/29/14 | Reply
@Pleiades Rising:
Thank you! I shall! :3
Otakuite++ | Posted 04/29/14 | Reply
Awww, how adorabru!~ He's so cute, and the name fits him perfectly! He looks like the type of dog that's full of energy and always happy :) Take care of him, and have fun with your new family member!
Pleiades Rising
Otaku Idol (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/29/14 | Reply
Haha, I think Wolfgang is a good German name for him! He looks like a wonderful dog, so have fun taking care of him.
Grand Otaku | Posted 04/28/14 | Reply
He is very cute! He was so shy when they brought him home, then I made him a little more comfortable. He is a ball of energy, alright. He stays in my room, so that makes me responsible. I'll take good care of him.
Daemon Devourer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/28/14 | Reply
Aww, he looks very cute! He looks like he has alot of energy too. xD
Take good care of the little guy!