Pokemon Fire and Ice, Chapter 2

“Ok, here it is Octo Town! Now all I need to do is find Professor Maple’s Lab and get my first Pokemon.” “According to the map its only a few blocks away from the entrance.” She came to the lab only to find a big surprise. “I think this is it but it’s completely empty.” The entire lab was dark and the windows were busted open. She opened the door only to find Professor Maple and her researchers knocked out. Haru was completely shocked. Then she saw one of the researchers stir. “Oh my gosh are you all alright? What happened here?” she asked as one of the researchers got up. “I-I don’t know. All we were doing was getting the little Pokemon ready for the new trainer that was coming here today. Is that you?” the researcher asked. Haru nodded. “W-Wait! I remember now! We were getting the Pokemon ready for your arrival when all of the sudden we were attacked by a bunch of ghost pokemon. The Gastly and Haunters always come out at night but they never attack like this. Just as quickly as they came they were gone and they took the little ones with them.” “WHAT!? Your kidding me! One of my future Pokemon was kidnapped!?” Haru thought to herself for a few minutes and then it became clear, she knew what she had to do. She decided to head out and find the group of ghost pokemon and get the pokemon back where they belong. Just as she was heading out the door she heard the one researcher yell out to her. “WAIT! Come back, your going to need this” he yelled. Haru turned back to the researcher as he handed her four pokeballs. “The first three are the pokeballs for the young pokemon.” “And what’s the last one for” Haru asked. “Well if your going in to the forest at night to challenge the ghost pokemon you are going to need a little protection. This last pokeball is to be used as a last resort. When things get though use it on the Pokemon you are battling and it will catch it for you.” replied the researcher. T-Thank you” Haru responded. “It’s no problem I’ll stay here to aid the other researchers and the professor and keep a look out incase any of the pokemon return. It’s going to be a though fight but I know you can do it. Good luck.” Haru attached the pokeballs to her belt and headed off into the night.

It was very late out and Haru was extremely deep into Autumn Forest when all of the sudden she heard a small whimper coming from one of the bushes. She looked into the bush to find Ritto, one of the little pokemon who had been taken. It had many scrapes on it and was quite shaken up by the ordeal but none of its injuries were sever. Haru took the held the small pokemon in her arms and reassured it that everything would be ok now and placed it back in its pokeball. Just then Haru looked over her shoulder to find two Haunters heading deeper into the forest carrying the two other lost pokemon in their arms. Haru followed the two deeper into the forest and finally came across a small cave. She could hear a lot of noise coming from inside the cave. When she entered the cave she came across an entire group of Gastly and Haunters. She saw the two Haunters give the fallen pokemon to someone or something. The figure the emerged from the shadows to reveal a Gengar. The Gengar picked up the two pokemon and carried them into the dark shadow. Haru then jumped in to stop the Gengar but it was to late, she was stopped by the other ghost pokemon the second she stepped foot in the cave. The ghost pokemon knew they had to protect their territory and began firing powerful Shadow Ball attacks at her. Haru was good at dodging the attacks but knew she could not keep it up for long. She needed help, then all of the sudden one of the pokeballs around her waist began to glow and opened up. The Ritto she had captured earlier emerged from the light and was ready to fight even though it was already injured. Haru, knowing the Pokemon was to injured to fight, was about to put the Pokemon back when Ritto sprung up into the air and unleashed a powerful Bubblebeam attack instantly knocking out seven of the pokemon. It then began spinning around in a circle unleashing yet another powerful Bubblebeam which then took out the remaining ghost types. However the battle wasn’t over yet. Haru and Ritto ran into the shadows ready to confront the Gengar that had taken the Pokemon away. Then a few steps later there he was. Gengar was ready to take out any Pokemon who dared to confront it. It unleashed a few powerful shadow balls but each of them were completely useless. Ritto sprang at the Gengar with all its might and hit it with a powerful Aqua Jet attack. The Gengar was weak but still not backing down. It fired a Hypnosis attack which then but Ritto to sleep. Then taking the advantage of kicking its opponent while its down, Gengar began firing a set of the most powerful Shadow Balls Haru had ever seen. Knowing if anyone of these hit the poor Pokemon would be ko’d for sure. So Haru did the quickest thing she could think of… She jumped in front of the sleeping Pokemon and took the attacks for it. Ritto then woke up seeing her new friend protecting her. “Ritto, you protected me when it all seemed hopeless before, now let me do the same for you, Ritto you need to end this battle… NOW! I BELIEVE IN YOU!” Ritto then sprang it the air and hit the Gengar with an extremely powerful Shadow Claw. The weakened Gengar then fell to the ground defeated. However, it was not over yet. Gengar was defeated but the missing pokemon were nowhere to be found. The weakened Haru and Ritto then walked deeper into the cave till they found a dead end. At the dead end was a shocking sight. Gengar was not the one in charge after all. There before the two of them was a mighty Dusknoir.

The Dusknoir had used Hypnosis on the little pokemon and then used Nightmare attack to suck there power away from them while they slept. Ritto was ready to challenge the Pokemon at any moment but the two did not know what they where up against. Dusknoir saw the opposing threat and fired a Shadow Ball at the two weakening Ritto. But Ritto had a come back of its own using Aqua Jet which severely weakened the Dusknoir. Dusknoir, knowing it could lose at any moment fired its most deadly attack… a powerful Hyper Beam. The attack then fired but missed Ritto but was on a direct course for Haru. Ritto, remembering what Haru did for her, then sprang up and used its already injured body to protect her. The attack made a direct impact on the injured Pokemon and Ritto fell. Haru was in shock, she had to defeat Dusknoir and save the other Pokemon, but she couldn’t risk injuring Ritto anymore then she already was. Then Haru remembered the extra pokeball the researcher gave her. It was only to be used in emergencies and Haru couldn’t think of a better time to use it. Haru grabbed the pokeball and threw it at the weakened Dusknoir. The pokeball sucked it up and began shaking back and forth until it click. Haru had caught her first Pokemon! Haru grabbed the other injured pokemon and began heading back to Professor Maple’s lab.

The next morning Haru told the Professor and her assistances everything that happened. They were all shocked and impressed by what had taken place. Then after treating the Pokemon it was time for Haru to pick her new partner. “Do you know who you want?” asked Professor Maple. “I know exactly who. I choose Ritto to be my partner. After all we have already been through so much together we would make a perfect team.” Haru received Ritto from Professor Maple and headed off. With two new Pokemon with her, Haru’s adventure officially begins.
