This is My world of Poetry for the soul. all poetry featured in my world is written by me personally. if i do use anyone elses poetry then i will put the name of that person and a link for verification. I hope you enjoy my poetry. ^^
- Created By Rebirth of Soul
I love the Sky
This is the Challenge winner poem called I Love the Sky. Written by ♥ CrimzonN3k0 z ♥ I love the sky It's so pretty, but so very high In the day it shines, and at night it twinkles the clouds like cotton candy, the stars like sprinkles When it's happy it shines, when it's sad it rains But no matter the weather the sky will remain The sky can also change it's colors from one to another From red, grey, black or blue it can whatever color it wants to My secret B.F. I can't help but thinkin that your the best So I'll see you later, until then The sky was there is the begining It'll be there in the end