Matt Tsuki

Warning: this WORLD occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors).

Fan Art :: Wallpapers :: eCards

Buttercup Festival :: xkcd :: A Softer World

Critics United


Art Trades :: CLOSED

Requests :: CLOSED



TheOtaku is going haywire again. And my computer is broken at the same time. Man things go down hill quite fast do they not? Anyway- the comment system seems to be broken for the time being- so no replies out or anything i guess. I hope they get it fixed soon.

Bloody hell.


Sun streaming in through her small window told her it was morning. The light wasn’t much because of the thick curtains blocking out whatever light they could. But the one hole the sun did find almost blinded her. It was like the window was t...

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Neighboorhood Watch Area

'' "Come into my parlour", said the spider to the fly... "I have something... " ''

Multi-type post!

After drving around from town to town for a few days it really hits you how much it costs to drive around. I mean; I spend close to 200 Canadain dollars in the few days I was gone for. What was that, a week? Not including any stuff I bought of course; than I'd really be broke.

Anyway- what that upper paragraph means is that I'm home for good for awhile. I have a few days off the happyness evils of work, to which I am to no end loveing. I really don't want to go back to work- its tiring smiling all the time...

On other news today a fire broke out a few Kilometers from our house again. I swear the nest guy who I see having a fire I'm going to kill. Thankfuly it wassn't anything to big (more thankfuly it wassn't in a FOREST) and the Fire Guys had it under general controll quite fast. Must still man. Living in a forest I swear I have three ways I'm going to die.

1) Eaten by bears/cougars/wolfs/ect.
2) Burt by a forest fire.
3) Posioned by bug spray.

I use bug spary every time I go outside becuase the bugs are so think and heavy out here that the 40 seconds it takes to walk from my front door to my car I've been bitten five times already. Maybe I should add ''Eaten alive my bugs'' to the list as well. I'm sitting in the dark and the light from my moniter is attracting all sort of creepy crawlies. I can barly see the screen anymore.

Entered a Fan Words Challenge- again. Its hosted by Black Boyz. Although this time I really want to make the dead line. (Last time I got through two verses before it closed on me -.-') So wish me luck there guys. I really need it. I havn't written something this big in a while so it probably sucks. XD

I think some people are going to hit me with something after that last comment.

Thats about it for now. Wish my luck in the challenge guys, I'll really need it. And wish me even more luck with the fire. Man if that thing gets out of hand someones going to pay dearly for it. I hate being on Evacuation Orders.






Uber quick post here- as you can tell becuase I have no banner made up yet. And I think thats not how you spell 'important'. What ever.

So I might be going away fro awhile. I have some time off work and I might head out and about in the mighty world in my little car to EXPLORE. So I'll see you guys around I guess. I hope I don't miss to much when I get back! I'll be sure to get to all your comments and PM's when I can though!

Hope Ya'll have fun while I'm gone!

Matt Tsuki


Well the problems I've been having with TheOtaku have all but cleared up. There's still one page that won't work but its nothing major so I think I'll be okay. Although It was weird I'll say that. I guess it was server problems. I got the gist that alot of other people where having problems like that as well. So I'm glad that it wassn't my computer that was going haywire- which is often the case more than not.

In other news- I was just going to ask for help with a challenge for fan art. And than I got side tracked by the Spiderman and suddenly got an idea for what to do. Silly Spiderman- Made me write all that and than make me delete it becuase it was useless. Terrible terrible!

Wow this has really turned out to be a real multi-themed post right here. I mean I've covered alot of diffrent things and I have still lots more diffrent things to chat about! Huh. I guess this ones going to be a long one! *laughs*

And for your shameless plug of todays post! Well Okay it really is a shamless post because I'm promoting my own challenge. Wow I have sunk to a new low ever for me. But whatever. I really like it and I want as many people to do it as I can get! Anyway I hope that you call go and take a look at it; because I might love you forever if you deside to do it. SHAMLESSNESS! XD Okay So I wassn't done with my shameless pluging! I swear I really need to stop this. People are going to start hateing me again. But whatever. I feel its in all of our best intrests to know about a few select art. Hense my shameless plugging. I'm so bad.

First of we have the ever awesome Oasaka45656 with her amazing piece of art .:::++Fragile Eternity++:::. Love the name by the way. I just can't stop looking at this I mean WOW! I really think she should colour that (hint hint). Love it! And what about RuRuPon's White Land? BRILLENT! I love the art to the point where even the BOARDER thats used is amazing. Wounderful wounderful! Heading over to DevART here for a moment I bring you to ThaMellosChocolate! I think that her Thank You is brillent! [[Its a drawing I swear and not just blinking lights saying thank you I swear.]] The colours the way its draw! Amazing!

Next subject at hand!

I've done this a few times with a few diffrent people and I have yet to really POST this so I think I should get around to it now. I really like it and its one of my more favorite meme like things going around theOtaky right now. So I really urge you to repost it. Its just THAT awesome. Just say that you want to do this in your comment or I won't reply back in that manor, Okay?

Post a comment and I'll do the following for you...

1. Respond with something random about you.
2. Tell you which color you remind me of.
3. Tell you my first memory of you.
4. Tell you what animal you remind me of.
5. Ask you something I've always wondered about you.
6. Tell you my favorite thing about you.
7. Tell you my least favorite thing about you.
8. Challenge you to post this on your journal.