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Loser. Arashi + NewS + KAT-TUN + DBSK + SHINee + Big Bang FANGIRL
Johnny's Entertainment [mainly Ohno Satoshi & Ikuta Toma] owns my soul and I don't mind at all. Jdramas = ♥
Support the newbies!!! Hey!Say!JUMP and SHINee LOVE!!!! Stop the hate!!

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NOTE: HAS LEFT THIS SITE. add elsewhere

Last Updated : 9/1/10

;________; *sob*

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music: 明日の記憶 - 嵐
time: 7:30 PM

;______________; It's been so long since I update this thing. Since February. Yeah, I never use this thing.....I'm just bored and don't want to do anything constructive. ;__; Idk, I don't feel like making new friends. It just feels weird signing guestbooks when there is nothing in common. I mean, I use to at least like anime back in the old days but now............yeah, not my first pick of anything.

I want to make a wallpaper but I have no inspiration. ;___; I want Lovely★Complex wallie!!!!!!! D:


;_____; Arashi's new PV came out!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! I'm being a bad girl. I'm not suppose to listen to this single at all until I get my copy. T__T THAT ISN"T UNTIL MID JUNE!!!!!!! The chinese postal system is so slooooooooow!!! ;_______; STUPID YESASIA!!!!!!! I WANT THIS NOW!!
;_______; The song is so slow. I'm sure most of you don't like it. [I didn't like it the first time now........I keep playing it on repeat T^T] OK, I MUST STOP LISTENING TO THIS!!!!! T_________T IT'S SO HARD!!!!! Somebody want to watch their other new PV and tell me how it is? It's called crazy moon~キミ・ハ・ムテキ~. I heard it sucked but............I DON'T WANT TO BELIEVE THAT!!! T_____T Somebody want to watch and tell me their thoughts? T_______T I HAVE TO STAY AWAY FROM AT LEAST THIS ONE!!!!!

THIS IS HARD!!!!!!!! I can't even listen to SHINee's new mini-album either. D:


I can't think of anything else to write..........EXCEPT THAT I SHOULD BE STUDYING FOR MY SATs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T____________T

The studying never stops, does it? T___T

I want to listen to the song again!!!!!!!! *cries* must not. *listens to super junior instead*

AMAZING SONG!!! JUST AMAZING!!! ;__; yes, i made an e-card of this.
pathetic much? yes. ;________;

I'll shut up now. I mostly just updated to waste time and see if anyone would stop by. ^^; happy memorial day, yo.

7:46 PM
