Here, as the Supreme Spoiler Queen, and newly declared Lord Of Spoilers, I shall keep Tsubasa/XXX Holic Spoilers and New information. My dear friend Lunesoldier20 has volunteered to take care of Naruto spoilers. Tsubasachro is updating as Fairy Tail chapters come out :D Spoilers, Spoilers, SPOILERS!!!! If you wish to contribute to the spoiler madness, simply comment or PM me to get guest poster status. You can update whatever section you choose ^_^

Dont be afraid to share your thoughts on chapters or predict future ones! We loooove that stuff!


ONEMANGA HAS CLOSED DOWN ALL OF IT'S SCANLATIONS. A COUPLE POSSIBLE SITES TO GO TO WOULD BE OURMANGA.COM OR MANGAFOX.COM. Be careful, however, I have encountered viruses on these website. Do not use unfamiliar websites without proper virus protection.

Remember to buy manga too as new volumes are released :D

Look forward to these exciting updates!

(Edit) February 11th 2011

We have come a long way, on a great adventure. Thank you for being there with me through xxholic and tsubasa reservoir chronicle!

45,682 page views~!

xxxHolic- End ^^ Find it at if you haven't read the final chapter! Don't forget to support Clamp by buying the books as they are released in your country.
Tsubasa- End ^^ Find it at if you haven't already read the final chapter! Don't forget to support Clamp by buying the books as the new ones are released in your country.

TSUBASA CHAPTER 220 spoilers!!!!!

go to onemanga NOW to see chapter 220 of Tsubasa!!!! Such a good chappie! Syaoran and sakura are going to be reborn? Given new lives? As who? As themselves? And yuko is sacrificing it all to give them a rebirth? Well I was right that two people would be reborn! (just not Fai and Yuui as I had suspected) and that Clow in Clow country was actually Clow reed from CCS and that he and Yuko loved each other!!!! I can't wait to see what's next and find out why Fei wang reed wanted to extend Yuko's life...... was it so that the clones could not be reborn or what?
Anywho read the chappie and make your own conclusions.


A chapter 220 spoiler

Anyway, my friend on deviantart read this at the Official Orkut Brazilian Community from TRC. [link]

220 最强的魔法
220 The most powerful magic

Everything is the fault from Clow and FWR not wanting to let Yuuko pass away
At the moment before Yuuko die, Clow stopped time because he didn't want to let her die
Because of that Clow regret his action. He bid farewell to Kero-tachi (probably include Yue too), and went on a trip to the distorted Clow Country
And then he also pay the price to revive Clone|Syaoran with the remaining of his life and magic power.
And as for the price to revive Clone|Sakura, it is "those wish that are granted to people that have came by the shop all these time"

So this basically explain's the end of Clow's life AND how Yuko stayed alive for sooooo long. My friends and I were wondering how old she really was! Only, Clow Reed's wish was to keep Yuko from dying (I knew he love her) and stopped time in the alternate diminsion of her shop! Which leaves us with these questions: He revived them before they were born? Or around the point of "King CLow's death?"And what is up with Fei wang reed wanting to fight against death? Who did he "bring back"? Yuko? She wasn't dead! Or wouldn't she die if she left her shop? Because time would continue once more?


Cover Book 27!

At long last, a beautiful Tsubasa book 27 cover! Enjoy!

Say What??!!

Ugh! Guess what? No new Naruto this week because the Weekly Shonen Jump in Japan isn't coming out! *sighs* Oh well.

Chapter 445

Sorry for the delay!

Chapter 445's up!

Summary: We learn more about Nagaot's past!