Here, as the Supreme Spoiler Queen, and newly declared Lord Of Spoilers, I shall keep Tsubasa/XXX Holic Spoilers and New information. My dear friend Lunesoldier20 has volunteered to take care of Naruto spoilers. Tsubasachro is updating as Fairy Tail chapters come out :D Spoilers, Spoilers, SPOILERS!!!! If you wish to contribute to the spoiler madness, simply comment or PM me to get guest poster status. You can update whatever section you choose ^_^

Dont be afraid to share your thoughts on chapters or predict future ones! We loooove that stuff!


ONEMANGA HAS CLOSED DOWN ALL OF IT'S SCANLATIONS. A COUPLE POSSIBLE SITES TO GO TO WOULD BE OURMANGA.COM OR MANGAFOX.COM. Be careful, however, I have encountered viruses on these website. Do not use unfamiliar websites without proper virus protection.

Remember to buy manga too as new volumes are released :D

Look forward to these exciting updates!

(Edit) February 11th 2011

We have come a long way, on a great adventure. Thank you for being there with me through xxholic and tsubasa reservoir chronicle!

45,682 page views~!

xxxHolic- End ^^ Find it at if you haven't read the final chapter! Don't forget to support Clamp by buying the books as they are released in your country.
Tsubasa- End ^^ Find it at if you haven't already read the final chapter! Don't forget to support Clamp by buying the books as the new ones are released in your country.

The MOVIE and the line XD

Okay everyone, so as you know, I saw the midnight showing of Harry Potter the sixth movie last night!!!!whooo whhooooo!

Well, first I got in line to see the movie, at 8:30, and there were about 20 people in front of us. I was dressed up, of course, in my cloak, with my wand, and my Harry Potter "Hogwarts" hat. The people in front of us were having fun, playing cards, eating pizza, etc. Then they gave the rest of the pizza to the kids behind us. Eventually, those kids tried to sell it to the people around them for five dollars XD. The line KEPT GROWING!Oh! And I saw one of my friends who still has my Mink manga. She said her mom found it finally and was about to sell it 0_0 Noooooo! The question is, how will I get it back, now that I am graduated? Ah well. At least I have spies! *coughGensotekeicough*

People drove by occasionally, screaming things like, "Yeeeaahhhh! Harry Potter!" or "Harry Potter dies!!!" XD So that was a bit annoying. But then, some of the workers in the movie theatre came out and started taking orders. So that was nice (especially in my cloak XD I was so hot, so water was so refreshing!)Around 10:30, I went to see how long the line was. Gynormous! Well, it would have wrapped around the building, but everyone was keeping in a straight line. I thought I was going to get lost -_-' . I saw some people I knew (But not gensotekei like I had expected). I think there must have been at least 500 people there!

Oh, and I forgot to memorize the qualities of Harry Potter's wand (and I forgot to bring the chocolate frogs!) so when a middle school girl tried to ask me what kind of wand I had, I told her all I knew was it had a phoenix feather in it. XD She called me an imposter... And I had two people ask me if I was wearing an invisibility cloak. My response: "Can you see me?"

At one time, Aurora and I used to send letters by "owl". We would put our toy stuffed owls into a box, with our letters, and drop them off at each other's houses XD And once I knew the full-length memorization of what a basilisk is. That came in handy during the spelling bee!

Okauy, back to the movie! So finally, after coming up with several new ideas for fan fictions, and realizing that I have yet to update on my current one (Don't kill me), we went inside the theatre. I found a great seat in the middle of the top row. Some of my friends were sitting at the bottom (where I don't sit anymore because I can never see the screen well) and I invited them to sit with me. But they replied "Do you have eleven seats?"

I checked. "Yes!"

Then they replied, "Well, we're already sitting. We'll see you after the show."

That made me a tiny bit sad. But it was hard to be sad with a great movie about to play! Everyone cheered at the start of the comercials, and some people near us tried to get everyone to sing "The mysterious ticking noise" from Potter pupper pals.

So ENOUGH about me.... The movie! It was really really awesome! However, I would like to critique some areas. I thought that the scene from the book about the two ministers should have been kept in the movie. Perhaps it could have replaced the scene when Harry is flirting with a random waitress XD. Also, everything that had been given momentum throughout the movie, seemed to be resolved too quickly at the end.

For Example: Dumbledore's death scene, was dramatic, of course, but I missed the line about how he could protect Draco's family. And then, the death eaters show up in Hogwarts, break/burn stuff and then... leave? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember there being some kind of battle with the D.A. And this is random, but I don't remember the Burrow burning down in the book. Although, that did make some PotterXGinny time.

By the way, Tom Riddle is one creepy kid! And of course, Luna was amazing and as cute as always. I was happy to see some of the romantic themes emphasized in the movie, because it helped me to visualize Harry and Ginny becoming a couple. And I was pleased to see that this movie showed Fred and George's joke shop! Though they never explained where they got the money to open one (Harry Potter's prize money from the Tri-wizard tournament.) Also, I don't believe it was explained why Olivander's shop was gone. (Wasn't he kidnapped by death eaters?) Bellatrix was creepy as always, Snape was awesome as always. Yay for Malfoy emo-ness!!! I loved his character so much in this movie!

So it was a wonderful movie, no I didn't stay after the credits so you can tell me if there was a surprize ending or not, and it was a lot of fun to watch. The comedy, drama, and action all made for a well-balanced show.

...Finally verdict: 9.5/10, well worth a 4 hour wait.

