Tsubasa 223 translations

*edit* SCANS ARE UP!!!!! Go to this onemanga.com link now!


Yay! Now we have PROOF?

My question after reading these spoilers: They already have a son (the clones)? Aren't they in High School and have not yet met in this world??? odd....

And also, at the end, clone sakura is not well.... I'm a bit worried... but could she be pregnant with another child? (real sakura?) We know she wont die, because she has yet to travel to help their other selves/fai and kurogane stop fei wang.... anyways, guess away, this is the translation made by cnet1 28 on Manga Helpers!


Chapitre 223: Days of Happiness
[Insert text: What manner of future awaits these two...?]
Clone!Syaoran: Yes... / It's been so long. // ...But I always believed.

Clone!Syaoran: Believed... / ...that I would find you.

Clone!Sakura: I'm so sorry I made you worry. / But the child and I are just fine now.

Clone!Syaoran: I was afraid I was going to lose you... / Just like back then...
Clone!Sakura: I'm never going to leave you behind. / I promised, didn't I? // That even if it meant being punished... / ...I wanted to live with you.
Clone!Syaoran: ...Sakura...

Clone!Sakura: Your father and mother said... / ...that the baby looks just like you when you were his age. // ...That may be only natural, of course... // After all... // He is both our child... // ...and also...

Clone!Sakura: ...one with the same existence as yourself.
Clone!Syaoran: Then... / This child really is...

Clone!Sakura: Yes. // The other Syaoran. // You were created in this child's image.

Clone!Syaoran: So this... / ...is what she meant by those words.
Flashback!Yuuko: The two of you will live out new lives. // But ultimately... / ...you will once more meet with your other selves.
Clone!Sakura: We will meet with my other self, as well... / I know it.

Clone!Syaoran: ...And I suppose then... / ...we will proceed towards "that time" again...

Clone!Sakura: ...Even so...
Clone!Syaoran: I swear I will protect you. / My most precious person, and my precious son.

[no text just time passes]

Syaoran: Good morning, Mother!
Clone!Sakura: Good morning.

Clone!Sakura: You're up even earlier than usual today.
Syaoran: Well, Father got back from work yesterday! / He said he was going to teach me lots and lots today! // Martial arts... and other arts...
Clone!Sakura: How nice!

Syaoran: If you're still not feeling well, you should go and get some rest...
Clone!Sakura: No, no... / I'm fine. // It's just that I am so happy that I was lucky enough... / ...to have you as my son.
[Bottom text: Next issue, Tsubasa will be taking a break so that the authors can gather data. Hold on for its return in Issue 32!]

