HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! To me =^.^=

Yep Yep that right, you havent read anything wrong XD

Well thank you to all who have already, and to those who will later wish me a happy birthday, you guys are awesome <3

I recived a birthday card in the mail from my dad...who is in jail DX
and it was a pretty nice card...the only bad thing is that it said
"Happy Sweet 16" ...I just turned 17 dad...did you miss an entire year or something? (well at least he remembered)

I went to summer school today (yeah...) and I had an awesome day
1. The computers were down!! :D and becasue all my classes are online ~ I got to just go home <3
2. I made $8.00 ~ $1 from my teacher, $1 from a friend, $1 from a security gaurd, and $5 from my friends mom XD

Well so far my Birthday is going pretty good <3
I hope it continues to fold out aweseomly

~Happy 17th Birthday!! CrimzonN3k0 z~

Oh Wow

HEY! how are all of you crazy people? ~ ANYBODY MISS ME? well please excuse my absense ive been away living the college life (even though i havent finished highschool yet) XD i had the chance to go and live at Davenport University and take a comunication class ~ it was awesome. sooo on Monday which is my birthday XD for some reason my profile said the 1st of July >.> but its the 9th :) and my timezone was wrong too i dont live in tokyo (pssh i wish) i live in the U.S. But i will start posting in my worlds again =^.^=
