- Created By CrimzonN3k0 z
What is up my lovely people of TheOtaku ~ How are all of you doing? I am doing pretty good, and hope that you are doing the same. I know that it has been a while since I've posted anything here, and I just wanted to quickly upda...Anime Cons and Anime Marathons
HEY YOU! Long time no How have you been doing? I hope that you are having a good day and that you treating yourself well ~ So this is just kind of a little update I guess A couple weekends ago (June 24-26) I attended my ...What Have I been Up To?
Hey there everyone! Hope you are all doing fine! I finally got a day off work, so I thought that I might as well update you all on what I am doing in my boring, little life. W O R K I N G...How I spent this week ~
This just going to be small-ish post.....who know because I can talk a lot XD I will basically sum everything up I did this week into this post and then elaborate on everything that I felt was the most interesting or important ~ ...Halloween costume Ideas? pt. 1
Well you see...Halloween is this Wednesday (which I didnt notice) but..uh..yeah, I have no idea what I want to be. I need some ideas!! Soooo who wants to help me brainstorm?? Im going to need more than one idea because Im me and I want to dress up for the entire week...well school week sooo that means FIVE costume ideas....mind you I have no wigs or contacts or fake teeth (Im broke) it can be an anime/manga character or a totally made up character or even the basic Halloween costumes like vampire, wolf, chicken, monkey, frog etc.
So then, lets get those creative juices flowing X3 and hey! Maybe we can come up with costumes for everyone to use ^^