My name is Carney, a ridiculous name for a person in my opinion. I am a man of many a tale. I have some awesome brain tweaks that make my life very interesting. If you are tuning in to my world for the first time you will realize my love for Doctor Who, Venture Bros., Metal, and anime (derp). But I enjoy mostly old anime, but time and again I'll find something very interesting that's new.

[Still working on awesome banner to insert here]

These are the different sides of me:
1. I am a hockey goalie. I live, breathe, and sleep hockey.

2. I am currently employed by Lego and have a NonDisclosure Agreement with them.

3. I enjoy cos-ing and would always love to do more so of it.

4. Hardcore gamer. Love games, but low cash flow.

5. A damn good looking dude. Maybe. Probably.

Updates From Across The World!

I suppose I felt like I needed to post something. When I write it feels, well, very good. So I write to you my good people of the world. So I've been trying to somehow balance my time between school, work, the Lego Tardis, and try to still ...

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A Project of HUGE Proportions

Over the past few months I have been submitting my Lego creations to Lego themselves. The first thing I put up was my walker thing, and it got a few hits on their site. Then I decided to post my Dalak. I got 2,000 hits in one week! Thats insane. After that huge response I decided to make the Tardis. I have yet to post here, been meaning to. I posted it up and pretty much got the same response. I posted it Friday night and when I opened my email this morning there was one from Lego. They were emailing me saying that they were very interested in my ability to turn objects from shows into lego. They asked me to build the Tardis in real life and keep them posted. Included in the email was a lifetime discount card for the Lego store. Only 20% off, but whatever. So I have asked permission from the mother and she said that I can do it. Mostly she feels guilty because I fell out of the tree a couple weeks ago. So I've started. I'm shuffling through looking for blue, black and white Legos right now for the Police Box sign on the Tardis.


So Thursday in club, the Chief of Video had brought in some new series to show us. I'm usually a bit leery about what he brings in seeing as though the last thing he brought in was Ladies Vs. Butlers... And I was actually surprised this time. The first thing he showed was a newer series called HEROMAN. I was really getting a kick out of it though one of the club members was going nuts trying to figure out wether the main character was a boy or a girl. This was very understandable because its voiced by a girl and has longer hair, but is very mannish when it come to physical features. Its was a man. Continuing... The show was very good especially because it had a kick with a broken leg and the club members were commenting that it was like me because I'm always injured. I was happy because the guy was a badass. The show became even better when there was a cameo of Stan Lee. To inform all of my beloved readers I am a die hard Marvel comics fan, so anything Stan Lee equals win status. But this cameo made me happy and I was thoroughly interested in this series.

Then He showed us a really interesting series called Rainbow... WTF... Seriously... It was actually surprisingly good, but in a really weird way. Though I'm afraid it will end up in some sort of gay prison love fest. But until then I shall keep my eye on it when I feel like it. And then he eventually showed something close to as bad as Ladies Vs. Butlers...

I am feeling really good about HEROMAN though. And it makes me happy because now I have two legitimate series to watch. Hooray for HEROMAN and Durarara.. Now I must finish my life size Lego TARDIS... Excelsior!!

Round 1, 2, & 3

This fine weekend has brought upon an unusual scenario for me. I am a person who loves to, well, not leave my house. I enjoy my house and I usually only leave for 4 reasons; work, school, hockey, and concerts. Even still I'd rather do all that stuff at home. But onto the point. My best friend, JB, who I have mentioned several times before, had his house to himself for the weekend. This meant he wanted to do all the usual stuff at his house. This also meant I had to leave the house. Thursday night we just hungout and played NHL 09 and did our usual shenanigans. We did not sleep, needless to say.

I have class on Friday's, he does not. he slept while I had to stumble out the door and get to my 3 hr history lecture. I was not thrilled to go listen about the wild west. But fortunately we got horribly off topic and had completely random conversations. At one point we were talking about cliche gay bar names. I got back from class and decided to finally finish the last 2 episodes of Evangelion. That was unfortunate on my part. I had heard Ryu talking about how crapily the series had ended. He was right. I have to now find the movie that actually sums up the end. As I was watching the final episode JB called me up. He wanted me to come over for Round 2. It started off alright. His band was practicing a new song and their volume levels were off and it sounded a bit rubbish. rubbish that I had to listen to over and over and over and.. I think you get the point. But it drove me to a certain point of insanity. After the practice more people came over. The point was to have a bonfire. The wood would not burn... FAIL... So we just went inside and formed a nice talking circle and had some interesting conversations as we always do. Everyone left but JB, his brother, and myself. Then we played NHL 09. It usually ends up with that. But I won 2 games with the Montreal Canadians 100 anniversary team. It was enjoyable.

Saturday comes around and I'm feeling a bit grand. You know a bit groggy not feeling your best but can still function. I had to wake up at 7:30 so that I could get back home and take out the biggest tree in my yard and I'm willing to bet the neighborhood. It was a pain. I have an irrational fear of heights and climbing up an unstable ladder with a chain-saw in you hands is deathly frightening for me. On top of that I had to go up 40 ft and sit in the tree. Sit in it with no support and a chain-saw. Never doing it again unless I am handsomely paid. Then JB calls me for Round 3. I was bruised, battered, and broken I was not leaving my house. So after that I went to go eat family dinner when just as I was going to sit down to eat, my annoying german associate walks through the door. He wanted to work on a project. No call. No text. NOTHING! He just came in the door. This made me angry because this meant I could not enjoy my dinner and I had to deal with him. I was too tired to deal with his B-S so I kicked him out about a half hour later. That was an eventful weekend, a little to eventful. I am now watching Doctor Who: The End of Time special over and over and over on BBCA. And leaving to my room to watch Durarara 13.

Brain Aneurism

So all know that I haven't been sleeping and I got sick and watched all of Tennant Doctor Who. Just making this clear before proceeding. So I finally was able to work without fear of contamination. About half way through my shift we got rushed with people. I work in the kitchen where there is zero air-circulation. I had a lot to do and I was still not 100%. I began to overheat. The next thing I know I start to hear the Doctor Who theme. Just the beginning whooshing noise. I didn't think anything of it. Then I heard it again, this time a bit longer. I looked around to see if anything was playing it. Nothing. My iPod was turned off so nothing from there. It went away. I brushed it off and continued. Then I heard it again this time longer and I could definitely make out that it was Doctor Who. The person I was working with didn't seem to notice. After the rush I went for some fresh air thinking it might help. I get back in see if the person has her computer on or something. Nothing still. I sit down and start playing solitaire. I hear the full thing. I start going crazy. I go up to the chick and I start shouting at her that I hear Doctor Who. And she just looks at me like a cow stares at an oncoming train, and says, "Oh thats my ringtone...." Her phone. It was her phone. I can't believe I thought I was going nuts. So that was my almost mental breakdown.