My name is Carney, a ridiculous name for a person in my opinion. I am a man of many a tale. I have some awesome brain tweaks that make my life very interesting. If you are tuning in to my world for the first time you will realize my love for Doctor Who, Venture Bros., Metal, and anime (derp). But I enjoy mostly old anime, but time and again I'll find something very interesting that's new.

[Still working on awesome banner to insert here]

These are the different sides of me:
1. I am a hockey goalie. I live, breathe, and sleep hockey.

2. I am currently employed by Lego and have a NonDisclosure Agreement with them.

3. I enjoy cos-ing and would always love to do more so of it.

4. Hardcore gamer. Love games, but low cash flow.

5. A damn good looking dude. Maybe. Probably.

Trying to Get Back

Well I'm trying to get back in the swing of things on here. And Its a lot harder to jump back in than I thought. So much has happened with people since I slowed down coming on here. I'm trying to piece it together. But thats up to me. A quick brie...

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Alive and Well... Ish

I'm still alive. Work is slowing down so hopefully I'll be back full time soon. lol But anywho, Finally caught a day off today so I made this. Enjoy and Happy New Years.

A Quickie

A quick post. So I'm rapidly packing for Youmacon because of lack of timing on my part. It is 12:30ish am and I haven't fully slept in the past two days. Actually technically I haven't slept for the past... Well since Saturday. Saturday Best friend came over, got drunk, didn't sleep... Sunday everyone came over, technically slept buuut... Monday, Halloween, didn't drink but didn't really sleep. Tuesday, Worked an overnight at work so a 10pm to 6 am shift. So no sleep. Wednesday, today-ish, Didnt sleep when I got home from work but laid in bed sick all day from drinking technically 15 cups of coffee and crashing hard. So no sleep really but no time to pack.. Oh yeah because I went back to work and worked till 11. FUUUUUUU

But on the bright side! I have time off! And I'm going to a con!!!!!!

A Post!?!?!

So this is a multi-purpose post. First, how I am doing. I'm good. Nothing exciting just work. Lots and lots of work. However I am making sometime to watch my Star Wars Blu-ray. Its so good yet so bad at the same time. The changes!!! I want my muppet yoda baaaack!!!!! Anywho. I also picked up Gears 3. I couldn't even tell you that last game I bought before this. So it was a long need for a game. I feel bad because I have no social life and would like to hang with my friends soon. Buut my cooking job ends in 2 weeks and My hours are being stabilized at Toys R Us. So Maybe I will have time for people now. Also i would love to have time in October because, well, its October. The time of the year where I get to watch horror movies every night! Well Thats what I've been up to.

Second matter to attend to, I finally edited a new video! Yay! I normally I would put it Carney's Cave but I'll just put it here. Its only a minute long and is pretty good, for me at least.

Well then, thats all.
Stay Classy Otaku.

Official Notice....

So I've slouched in my Otaku duties and its made me a little sad. But I have so much going on its maddening. i work 50 hrs a week and only get one day off a week. And on top of that I have new social obligations to attend to. If your friends with me on facebook you know what I'm talking about. I have all these things I want to share. I have 5 stories written out I want to post, 4 drawings, and in Carneys Cave news I have 3 videos recorded and 7 scripts written I just don't have the time to edit or film. Its hard. So I am officially announcing my break from theO. I'm sorry. I should be back in in a month when my load lightens up.
